Shes back

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Im sitting besides Katniss waiting for her to wake up. The Dr. said she had another attack and have her sedated. I feel horrible for katniss and it hurts me seeing her like this. I rub her hand missing her presence, her loving voice and warm kisses. Haymitch walks in the room and sits across me.

"How is she?" he asks in his now drunk voice.

"Good I think.. Haymitch you been drinking again?" I ask quite surprised now because he told us he had stoped.

"Naw boy" he says leaning back making himself almost fall. "Wheres the ice?" Haymitch suddenly asks.

"What ice haymitch?" I say almost laughing i can see hes serious when he pulls out a liquor bottle.

"Oh yeah the ice is next to all those parachutes you sent me.." I say almost chuckling now knowing he didn't help me in the first arena so I made a joke out of it.

"You should be a comedian bread boy i'll go finish this outside" he says pointing at his bottle and almost falling tripping on the door.

"Careful Haymitch theres a force field out there" Now i cant resist my laughter when he starts to mumble things out the door. My stomach hurts so much that I decide to go use the restroom but just as I'm about to get up I feel someone gripping my arm and I can tell its katniss.

"Baby are you up?" I ask her.

"Y-yeah.. where am I?" She asks confused.

"At the hospital katniss but you're alright I'm right here.." I say kissing her forehead.

"I love you" she whispers finding my eyes and putting her arm on my cheek. I brush her hair with my hand to keep her calm but the only reason her heart's raising is because I'm here.

"I love you more, always" I let her know instantly with a deep kiss. "My girl on fire is back" I say before pulling out of the kiss and katniss eyes drift off of mines making her know she's safe and alright.

|Next day |


I am now healthy to go home since i spent 4 days at the hospital but it feels like an eternity here with all the testing and stuff. Im happy tho that Peeta stood besides me the whole time. After the discharge we make our way home. Peeta is holding my arm in case i fall or disbalance myself. Peeta takes me upstairs and lay me down in bed that he already prepared for me.

"Baby you need bedrest" he says pulling up my blanket.

"Stay with me please?"

"Always" he says laying down besides me putting his warm and loving arms around me protectively. I look at him and his eyes are closed in peace he barely got any sleep at the hospital so i just spend my now awake time embrassing his sleep. I wish everday could be like this. He puts his cheeks on my neck and cuddle deeper into me. I now put my hands around him feeling his warmth.

Peeta puts his hands near my belly I frown knowing what the doctor told me. I would've been carrying Peeta's child if it wasnt for the misscarriage. I cant think of having a child right now since I can only think how afraid I am every day and night. I lock me and Peeta's hand and now drift off to sleep to more nightmares to come..


I wake up feeling Katniss moving around more than usual in bed. She gets up and lets a slight sigh as if she was in a really bad nightmare. I sit up and rub her back trying to calm her down. She lays on my chest now crying but trying to wipe her tears off. What a night she must've had.

"Peeta do you love me real or not real?" I look up at her and with no doubt in my mind I tell her "Real".

Katniss returns back to sleep but I carefully unwrap myself from her and head downstairs. I take out the flour, some eggs and place a boul with warm water to surpriss kat with her favorite Cheesebun. I do the dough and put them in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes. I head to the living room turning on the tv to watch the news. Thankfully there isnt any more scandal in the capital about Katniss, Johanna and I. After watching about 10 minutes of tv I hear a knock on the door. I pull buttercup off of me and walk over to the door to find an unpleacent surprise. Gale..

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