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After Katniss fell asleep I quietly got up from bed and head down to my prep team's room. I left Katniss a note saying I would be back late I can imagine all the things she was going through all the way here. Effie didn't believe my excuse for her but she understood later on.

After putting on my wardrobe its already 1:30pm and we have to be there before 2pm.

Effie rushes me and the prep team down the hallway into our limo thats waiting for us outside the hotel.

Lots of paparazzi's appear out of nowhere.

I raise my hand to cover my face from all these flashlights.

I quickly get on the limo and head to the museum.

There's a bunch of lights, a bright red entrance full of the capital's most important people I ever know.

We get out the limo and start to walk towards the entrance of the building when we meet with president Paylor.

"Peeta so nice to see you! Where's Katniss by the way!?"

"She wasnt feeling so well and she apologize for not coming president Paylor" I say.

"Oh I see, we will like to welcome you though to this fantastic evening. Do you have your speech with you?"

"Of course I'll be giving it out loud and clear don't worry its all set"

"Thank you Peeta we will meet at the party."

With that the president leaves and announce my arriving excusing Katniss. I make my way to the stage feeling anxious and nervous. Its a big crowd but I got used to it back in our Victory Tour although its different now, I don't have that much people looking at me with hatred on their face. On the other hand they are happy and excited for this Memorial Museum. It was a great idea coming from the president. We enjoyed our triumph and we need to embrace our loses too. I walk up carefully in front of the microphone and begin my speech.

"I am honored here today to be a part of our triumph and loses. These couple of years have been rough, but thanks to the courage of one and hope we led our nation to a better future and mostly to a better tomorrow. This museum will be a memory, not just a memory but a reminder that everything is possible, there might have been loses and downfalls but we do not have to stop our selfs because of it. We have to move forward but also keep their spirits fresh and living inside of us. Thank you for being here today and thanks to president Paylor for letting me stand here today with you all its been an honor." and with that I hear fireworks and a cheering crowd almost everyone with tears in their eyes.

Effie heads to me crying to give me a hug and the prep team.

"Oh Peeta you were amazing, that was a good speech to start this evening" she says.

"Words came out of my mouth flowing, I think its in my blood" I say smiling at Effie.

"Yes! C'mon now the president is about to cut the ribbon to the entrance and wants you to be there" Effie escorts us to the entrance and we wait for Paylor to cut the ribbon. The crowd is still amazed by my speech. People come up to me just to congratulate me, but i've done nothing. Katniss is the real warrior here. She saved me and she saved all of the districts. Even though she was broken to pieces she managed to be the Mockingjay and become the nation we are now.

Long live the mockingjay.

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