Horrible Night

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Later that evening I notice its past dark when I open my eyes carefully I look at the clock and see its 10:00pm wow I really must of been tired. I glance up hearing noises in the kitchen. Things slamming and being thrown. Quickly, I head down the stairs and find Peeta gripped into a chair with his eyes shut and his hands holding under the surface of it. He's having another flashback but I havent seen him this worse the kitchen was a complete mess.
I carefully place my hand on his shoulders but he grabs them.

"KATNISS GET OUT OF HERE!" he screams and he grabs his head falling to the floor on his knees.

"Im not leaving you! Peeta is not real please come bac-" he suddenly grabs me throwing me on the edge of the table. I cover myself from his kickings and punches being thrown. Blood starts running through my nose as I hold my stomach.

"Peeta.." I say in pain and my sorroundings looking blurry.

"YOU'RE A MUTT DONT EVEN SPEAK TO ME YOU HEAR ME" he turns me around and grips my arms.

"Please just come back to me pleaseee" I cry out, I spot a knife and grab it but Peeta notices it and takes it. He points it at my chest, noticing theres no way out I push the knife to my forehead while Peeta keeps pointing with anger. I hold his face and I begin to cry harder.

His sparking blue eyes come back but he shuts them quickly the knifes falls to my side and I head quickly to the bathroom pushing myself away from Peeta. Vomiting blood I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet trying to get up but can't.

I just lay there and hear couple of steps and then the front door being thrown. I pass out on the floor after it.


I quickly head home right after I close the shop. Its dark outside I must've forgot it was past 7 o clock. Its starts raining so I take out my umbrella and run home as quickly as I can. I open the door and hang my coat.

"Katniss i'm homee" I shout but theres no answer, I run up the stairs to change and see her laying in bed sleeping. Sitting right besides her I take a piece of her hair out her face so it wont bothers her and peck her quick on the lips.

Around 9 I'm all set to start dinner when I get a big headache. As I'm making the pasta I get a flashback but then I'm back to normal. I throw the pan to the floor and boiling water burns the side of my arm. I scream in pain and my whole mind goes dark. I taste blood in my mouth my veins feel as if they were to explode. I quickly sit down not recognizing this feeling I hate so much of not being in control of myself. I spot Katniss in the corner of my eye my heart doesn't wants to hurt her but my mind is telling me yes.

"KATNISS GET OUT OF HERE" I shout and now I'm not in control, I just want to terminate the mutt, the stinking mutt that kill my family and half of Panem. I fall to the floor in pain and fear. She grabs me then suddenly my instincts made me grab her arm and throw her against the table. The satisfaction felt amazing she looks so vulnerable and she has to pay. I punch her and kick her as hard as I can.

Everything goes black, as I'm now pointing her with a knife as she cries looking straight in my eyes looking for some sort of hope. I squish my eyes trying to fight back but I just feel the urge to drop everything and run out far away as I can..

A/N: Wow you guys are amazing, sorry for not updating recently I was just seeking new ideas for the story and 4.1k!!!!! already thats more than the expected. Feel free to comment and vote it really means alot :)

Nicole ~

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