The night breeze, convey my longing for him
He is miles away from this body
I can only touch in the dream world
And embrace him in the soulNight breeze, convey my love for him
Crows might be witnesses
In darkness and opacity
I wish to hug him in the shade of the moonNight breeze, you know how difficult this dream is
I feel a strange feeling that I had never recognized before
Perched like a virus gnawing
This love is tangible but very quietO night breeze, how much more do I complain
Sigh with mortal hope
So smooth that I fell asleep
And carried breezy towards the westNight breeze, why are you playing like a geeta?
Your raga shakes every corner of my heart
Your sur and taal are like my hum
I wish to dance in the shadow of your cloudsNight breeze, why is he so close to heart?
His face is only a small picture
But it feels thrilling my niche
His words are only strings of phrases and clauses
But it’s able to make me smile like a madNight breeze, maybe you know better where he is
Sometimes I'm jealous of you
You can blow on the nape of his neck
You can hit his innocent face
I wish to be a night breeze
Just like you*geeta = lagu
*raga = kerangka melodik untuk improvisasi dalam musik klasik India (kalau bahasa kitanya "cengkok")
*sur = not musik klasik India (sa re ga ma pa dha ni)
*taal = tempo musik
Musafir: Kumpulan Puisi dan Prosa [SUDAH TERBIT]
Puisi[Sebelumnya ANAFORA] Anafora adalah jenis majas di mana pengulangan bunyi, kata atau struktur sintaksis kalimat untuk memperoleh efek-efek tertentu yang terdapat pada awal kalimat, berfungsi sebagai penegasan. Buku ini hanya sekadar kumpulan puisi y...