Chapter 4: Gas Station

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One Saturday, Trevor convinces Tash, Logan, and I to go rock climbing. You know those ads that show a good-looking guy that can literally throw on anything on and look great. Well that's Trevor. His green eyes and black hair just long enough for your fingers to run through are no doubt part of the reason he can walk into any room and demand everyone's attention. I met Trevor weeks ago at a party Tash and Lo dragged me to. He asks a lot of questions and genuinely seems interested in what I have to say. He was charming, maybe a little too much which makes me wonder what his deal is. He reminds me of someone I used to know. That's why I'm cautious. We've gone out a couple times. He seems nice enough. I'm realizing he's very active person and it's probably good because I could use a little change up in my routine.

Before we head out, we stop for gas. When Trevor gets out of the car, I hear him say something.

"What is it?" I yell from my seat.

"I have to pay inside," Trevor answers.

"You mean you have to walk all the way to the cashier?" I ask lightheartedly.

"Ha-ha," he responds.

"I'm kidding, I'll go," I unbuckle my seatbelt, open my door and stand on the opposite side of the car.

"You mean you'll walk the twenty something steps?" Trevor teases me back.

"It's more like twice that, but yes," I take on the challenge.

"How will I ever repay you?" he continues.

"You'll think of something," I assure him.

"Wow, Millie in front of your friends? Really?" Trevor responds.

I open my mouth to say something, but don't. Trevor just watches me without saying a word.

Why does he like putting me on the spot?

Logan decides to jump into the conversation, "Hey Trevor, I know how you can repay her."

"Please don't give him any ideas," I tell Logan. Knowing Lo, it would be something that makes me blush.

Trevor still hasn't dropped his gaze. He walks over to hand me the money, "Yeah, I do too."

I was right.

I look at Logan, shaking my head, "Thanks Lo."

"What?" Lo has a devious smile.

Tash just laughs.

"I'll be back," I'll say.

As I walk away, I feel Trevor still watching me. I know I probably should be flattered, but I'm not. I'm not used to having someone's attention like that. I'm not sure I like it. I remember Tash's words, "Let's try to move things along. Get to know him. Go out. Have fun. Let loose. Flirt. Tease. Play. All that good stuff." The only problem is I'm terrible at all of the above. Entering the gas mart, I see Gabriel in line buying some beer.

"Amelia," he says.

"Gabriel," I reply.

"I think we're past formalities. Don't you?" he asks.

What? Well, it's been weeks. He's become a regular. I have noticed that with each session, Gabriel is more vocal about what he has trouble with. Seeing that he is more comfortable around me makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

"It's Gabe," he says.

"Oh. Gabe. I can do that," I answer.

"Good," he replies.

"In that case I'm Millie or Mills, that's actually my favorite." I say.


"That's right," I approve.

"Well now I know," he reassures me.

"Yes, you do."

I hand the cashier the money, expecting Gabriel-I mean Gabe- to have left and yet when I turn around to leave, there he is. Waiting.

"Where are you headed?" he asks.

"We're going rock climbing," I answer.

"Sounds cool," Gabe comments.

"More like intimidating, for a first timer, but yes I'm hoping it is. My friends conned me into it. How are you spending your Saturday?" I wonder.

"Going to a hang out," he replies.

"That sounds fun," I comment. Not that I really go to those. Usually, I opt out. It's not really my scene, not that I have one.

"Same old, same old," he shrugs.

"Right, well, they're waiting for me," I point towards Trevor's car.

"Have fun," he adds.

"Thanks, you too."

When I get back in the car, it hits me that I rarely see Gabe with anyone. I'm curious who his friends are and why it seems like he doesn't like wasting his time on people. At least that's how he comes off, but then has no problem holding a conversation. Gabe kind of reminds me of myself sometimes. Except for today. He seemed much more laid back than usual. 

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