Chapter 20: Unnecessary List

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"What if we go to the beach?" I ask Tash and Logan when Gabriel and I arrive to Logan's apartment.

"What?" Tash looks at me.

"If Lo needs a distraction, let's make a day of it," I answer.

"I don't need a distraction," says Lo.

"What did you do with my friend?" Tash asks me, "I love that idea!"

Tash helps me convince Lo and the four us go. Logan and Gabriel head straight for the water. Tash and I hang back. I want to get set up and Tash insists she needs to work on her tan.

"What book did you bring?" Tash asks me after a while.

"I didn't," I reply as I watch Gabe and Lo.

This is long overdue. I want Gabe to know Lo and Tash aside from what I've told him and vice versa.

"What will you do then?" Tash continues questioning me.

"Talk to you guys, swim" I say.

"In the water?" she asks.

"No in the air," I answer.

Tash looks confused.

"Yes, the water," I confirm.

Tash looks from me to Gabriel and smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"I didn't say a thing," Tash replies.

"Are you ready?" I ask Tash, "I want to catch up with the guys."

"Let's go," she responds.

Afterwards Tash initiates a conversation with Gabe. Logan and I listen.

"So Gabriel, how've you been?" she starts.

"Good. How about you?" Gabe replies.

"I'm great...You've known Millie for what? A few months?" Tash continues.

"Something like that," he answers.

My eyes go back and forth between the two. When I give Logan a questioning look, he simply shrugs.

"Well, you must be somebody pretty special. I've known her for two years and I've never been able to convince her to go swimming with me," Tash tells Gabe.

"Maybe she's just tired of saying no," he guesses.

"Possibly. Did she give you the line about 'enjoying the view?" Tash asks.

"I didn't buy it," Gabe answers.

"Interesting," says Tash as she looks at me.

"Hey, that was not a line," I interrupt, " I meant it."

"Tash don't be mean. Millie can be whoever and do whatever she wants," says Logan.

"I'm not mean. I'm vigilant. Stick around Gabe, I think you might be good for my friend," says Tash.

"Are you finding me friends now Tash?" I ask.

"Don't be silly Amelia, why would I find you a friend? You can do that on your own," Tash says as she puts her sunglasses back on.

"My mistake then," I answer.

"But if you are going to be around, you might want to know a few things about Amelia here," Tash begins again.

"Like what Tash?" I ask very interested.

"When Millie says she wants to spend the day reading a book without any distractions, she actually means and will do it. Thankfully, that doesn't happen too often. I would not be her housemate if it did. When it's overcast, and she says she wants to go out because it's 'so pretty outside', she's really believes there is no better weather. As depressing as it looks to the rest of us," Tash makes a face, "that's just not the case for her. She also doesn't believe in public displays of affection, so don't be surprised if she keeps you at a distance," Tash explains.

"Wow. Thanks for that unnecessary list," I tell Tash.

"What? I'm just informing him of what to expect," Tash calmly explains herself.

"Gabe knows what to expect," I respond.

"That last one explains a lot," Gabriel tell Tash, "because last night Millie was all over me, literally could not get her off of me and right now she's acting like I'm practically a stranger."

My jaw drops. Tash laughs.

"Tash has her input. Gabe has his. Anything you want to add Lo?" I ask.

Logan shakes his head, "I'm good."

"Alright, this conversation is done now," I tell them.

"Millie, no one is judging here," Tash says, "If anything I'm impressed, I knew you had it in you. Atta girl."

I roll my eyes not believing her, "I can see this little friendship you two are forming is not exactly in my favor."

I stand up, "Come on," I say to Gabe.

"Where?" he questions.

"You owe me a walk," I explain, "Remember the deal? I swim. We walk."

"Collecting your dues?" Gabe asks me.

"Yes, and a gentleman never goes back on his word," I say.

"Is that what I'm aiming for?" he asks.

"Pretty much," I nod.

"All right," he stands up.

"We'll be back in a bit," I tell Tash and Logan.

"See ya," Tash answers.

We start making our way across the beach. I love the way my toes feel in the wet sand. I especially love that I get to share today with the three people I am the closest to. It feels perfect.

"Your friends seem nice," Gabe's comment brings me back into the moment.

"They are. They're pretty incredible," I add.

"Tash is full of information, isn't she?"

"Yes, and she can be quite a character," I say.

"I think she likes me," he notices.

"Tash likes everyone. That's just her. She has no trouble making friends. If she didn't like you, you'd know it."

"You and Tash don't strike me as a typical friend combination. How'd you meet?"

"Rush week," I respond.

"Sorority?" Gabe asks.

"It was under consideration sophomore year," I admit.

"Interesting. Go on."

"Tash and I both went into it thinking it would be cool to have a bunch of sisters. I only have Oliver and she has older brothers. By about the third day we kind of realized it wasn't for us. We said we didn't all that. Walked out of there and have been best friends ever since. An unlikely pair but we just clicked," I explain.

"That's cool," he says, "I have a cousin I guess is my best friend. After Matt."

My feet stop. Because I'm holding Gabe's hand, he stops too.

"Matt? Your brother?" I ask.


"You never told me his name before," I say.

"I know."

"You and your cousin got close after his death?" I ask.

"Charlie helped me through it," he explains.

"I can't imagine."

I don't want to imagine. To think of Gabe's loss, a pain I pray I never know, is heartbreaking.

Gabe doesn't respond.

"Hey," I wait for him to look at me, "You can tell me as much or as little. You know that right? No pressure."

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