Chapter 48: New Friends

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(Eight Months Later)

With only one undergrad semester to go, I signed up for a film class when I learned I was short a few elective credits. Once a week on Tuesdays for four hours. It seemed like an interesting alternative to the other choices I had. This is where I met Serena.

"Can you believe the number of freshman taking this class?" Serena asks as she sits on the chair next to me, "I feel like I'm surrounded by kindergarteners."

"There are quite a few," I acknowledge. I too didn't think it would be full of younger students.

"Wish they wrote that in the class description," Serena adds.

I laugh lightly. We both look around. It's a seminar class with two hundred seats and half as many students. Since I chose a seat in the last row, we had a view of the entire room.

"Oh no she didn't!" a girl exclaims.

Serena and I turn to the young, brunette sitting one row up and a couple seats over.

"Why couldn't she match her shoes to her outfit? That's gonna to bother me. How can I focus on what she's saying, if I can't get past what she's wearing?" the girl questions.

We realize the girl is talking about the professor that walked in seconds before.

"Did she just say that?" asks Serena.

"She did," I answer.

"Little girl needs to calm down," says Serena, "See? That's what I was just talking about. I can't stand freshmen!"

The professor introduces herself. The first part of class is a lecture followed by a movie we later discuss. Simple enough. Serena and I don't hear that girl again, but Serena rolls her eyes at her every chance she gets. I learn that I like the girl that chose to sit next me.

I wait for Tash and Lo at the apartment. When I hear footsteps walking up the stairs outside, I know they've arrived. Tash and Lo step inside still discussing something that has clearly offended Tash.

"Exes are off limits," Tash states.

"I know it's hard to accept Tash, but you don't make the rules," Lo responds.

"What kind of betrayal is that? Then you show up like 'What's the big deal?" she asks.

"Stop being so dramatic Tash," says Lo.

"Don't even mention it okay? Not a word about it," Tash instructs Lo.

"What's the secret?" I join the conversation, "Who's ex are we talking about?"

"Nothing," Tash's expression instantly changes.

"Nothing?" I question, "I didn't ask 'What's up?' I asked who you were discussing."

"I didn't see your car outside," she adds with an accusing tone.

"I had to park down the block," I answer not sure what to make of her comment.

"Oh. Okay," Tash looks caught, "Look who I found on my way in."

"I see him," I turn to Logan.

"We'll finish this conversation later," Tash tell Lo.

"Of course it isn't done yet, not until you've had the last say," Lo replies.

Wanting to avoid me altogether, Tash walks to the living room while checking something on her phone.

"What'd you do?" I ask Logan.

"Nothing," he answers.

"It's not nothing to her," I reply.

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