Chapter 12: Company

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Talking to Tash helped. Admitting that I had no idea what I might be getting myself into with this date did to. I started feeling nervous but also excited for Saturday. Those plans however, came to a halt the day before. I woke up with the worst cold I've ever had. My head was pounding, my throat ached, and I could hardly talk. Most of the day was a fog. Even Tash thought that going out the next day was probably not a good idea. According to her, if I wasn't looking and feeling my best, it could end up being a disaster. I asked Gabe for a rain check. After reassuring Tash I'd be fine alone for the weekend, she went out of town to a family wedding with Sean.

On Saturday afternoon I get a phone call from Gabe requesting I open the front door of my apartment. I force myself out of bed and make my way to it and yes, it took me a minute. When I open the door, he's standing on the other side of it.

"You are not here," I mumble as lean my head on the door.

"I'm pretty sure I am," he replies.

He would be right? I'm standing there in sweats and a robe. My hair's a mess, I'm literally contagious and he thinks this is a good time to visit. Wait. Since when do I care what I look like in front of Gabe?

"I did call right?" I wonder out loud, "I told you I couldn't make it today. I remember doing that I think."

"You did. I thought I'd stop by anyway," he says.

"Why?" I ask.

Gabriel's reply, "Just because."

Just because?

"What? Did you think I was lying?" I ask.

"No. I thought nobody likes being sick," he answers.

"But they do like company?" I wonder.

"I thought we could stream movies, order take out," he reasons.

"I'm not exactly good company right now," I state, "Is that not obvious?"

"Who talks during movies?" he insists.

"I do," I admit, "All the time. That's my thing. If I can't yell at the characters and tell them when they're making a mistake, then what's the point of watching?"

"Oh, so you're one of those huh?" he asks.

I roll my eyes.

"I'm kidding. Look, I'll keep all my judgmental comments to myself. At least until after I leave," he claims.

I let him stay, mostly because I don't have the energy to argue over something that didn't seem like that big of a deal.

I do warn him, "You do realize that if you get sick, you have only yourself to blame right? It's out of my control at his point."

"I happen to have an incredible immune system, but I am touched by your concern," he responds.

"It's not concern, I simply recognize that you showing up here was a stupid move."

"It's open to interpretation. I'll risk it," he answers.

What is his deal? Why show up out of nowhere for no reason? Unless there is one.

We order food from my favorite Vietnamese restaurant. While we eat, Gabe starts a conversation.

"So, who is William?" Gabriel asks,

The question catches me off guard. I wonder if, I'm supposed to know what he is talking about.

"I don't know. Who is William?" I question.

"You don't know?" he insists.

"Am I supposed to?"

"I saw you here once," he points to the bag the food came in.

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