Chapter 16: Intervals

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At exactly 2:04pm, I push open the main door at the counseling office. After running from my car, I now try to slow down a little and catch my breath. In through my nose and out through my mouth. I always forget how quiet it is in here and then feel like the loudest person in the office when I and enter using my outside voice. I quietly thank the gods of interior design for the carpet flooring that block out what would surely be the stomping of my shoes announcing my presence. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry Cami!" I say as soon as I see her at the front desk.

"Don't worry. You're not late," Cami replies with a smile.

"Yes, I am," I say.

"It's only a few extra minutes," she stands up and gathers her things together.

"You are too nice Cam," I respond as I place my bag in the bottom drawer of the desk and close it.

"Diana's 2 o'clock is running behind too but she did call to say she would be here," Cam informs me.

"Great, thank you," I take a seat and pull the chair towards the desk.

"Hey are you and Tash free this week?" Cami asks.

"For?" I ask.

"Let's go out," she answers, "Hit a couple bars. I really need to unplug. This week has been so crazy and pretty much just the worst."

"It's only Tuesday," I reply.

"That's what I'm saying. Two days into the week and we're hanging in there. We deserve a treat," she stresses.

I laugh and ask, "Everything okay?"

She sighs, "Yes...but I've been in a rut lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I reply.

"Now come on, I know every now and then you can unwind Amelia and Tash never needs an excuse," Cami reasons.

She's not wrong.

"What do you say?" Cami asks.

"Sure. That actually sounds fun," I answer.

"Great! I'll start a group message and see if we can get some more ladies to join," she tells me.

This will be good, I tell myself. Girl time. Who can't use more of that?

Four hours later Logan and I are jogging around my neighborhood.

"Lo can we slow down a bit? Maybe pace ourselves?" I ask him.

"Intervals are better for you," Logan answers.

"You know I'm not a runner," I remind him.

"And we have to work on that," he responds.

"What are you talking about?" I question.

We take a nearby path that runs along to a two lane road. The area is surrounded with beautiful trees and, aside from the occasional cars, is undisturbed.

"Okay," I tell Logan as I slow to a walk, "Time out. You know I love to take in the scenery here."

"You get ninety seconds," Logan replies checking his watch.

"Damn Lo," I start, "Maybe you should be a trainer. You'd be good at it."

"And waste my other talents?" he asks.

I roll my eyes, "It's an observation, you don't have to run with it."

"Thanks for the suggestion but no," Lo responds.

"Although..." he starts.

"What?" I ask.

"I wouldn't mind meeting one of the trainers at the gym," Logan answers.

"What do you think? Should we do it?" he wonders out loud.

Three seconds go by. I expect Logan to laugh or say he's joking. He doesn't.

"What?" I respond, "I forced myself to go on this run with you. Work outs a few times a week is what I agreed to. At our own pace. Now you want a stranger telling us what to do?"

"It'd be an investment. An investment in your body. Or is it to your body? To your body? In your body? Investing in your body? Yes, that sounds right. My point is your body will thank you."

"Lo, please stop saying 'your body'. Don't talk about my body. That's just weird," I reply.

"Fine, your boyfriend will thank you," Logan replies.

"I don't work out for Gabriel," I respond.

"but his being in the picture adds to the motivating doesn't it?" Lo asks.

"When you're single, you want to find someone and that motivates you. When you have someone, you want to keep them. There again is the motivation," he explains.

"You could have thrown health into that little speech but I see you didn't."

"Think about it. I'll get the info and we'll circle back to this topic," Logan says before he picks up the pace, "Now, ninety seconds are up. Let's go."

"Are you seri- you know what? I'm so over this run. Let just get it done," I respond.

"That's the spirit!" replies Logan.

"Shut it Lo! Nobody should bring this much pep to a workout. That just feels foreign to me," I reply.

Logan laughs, "I like this. Anger is good. Use it as fuel."

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