Chapter 15: Assumptions

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The first weekend of December I try to convince Gabe to go ice skating. I spectacularly fail. I planned a group outing since it's two weeks before everyone starts heading home for the holidays. Lucky for me, my friends are intrigued and do go. I don't get a chance to see Gabe until the next night. I grab my coat as I make small talk before we head to the movie theater.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," he answers.

"Until now, right?" I question.

He picks up on what I'm doing and plays along, "Yes, my day just got a million times better."

"Good answer Mr. Reitman," I smile.

"How was skating?" Gabe asks.

"Easier than I thought," I tell him.

"Did you fall?" he inquires.

"No but I took some videos so I could show you what you missed out on," I hand him my phone. "Maybe next time you'll come with," I state.

"Doesn't call my attention in the least," he replies.

"Not exciting enough? You could try you know? These are my friends, I wanted them to get to know you better. You're not exactly making it easy. You didn't even try," I reproach him.

"This from the girl who didn't want to go to the club last week. Those were my friends," he responds.

"That's different. I'm not comfortable in that environment. I've told you that," I say.

"Sounds like the same thing to me," he replies.

"Because I don't want to go drinking with your friends? It's a little different," I comment.

"No, it isn't," he tells me.

"Fine Gabe, you make your excuses and I'll make mine," I respond.

"You didn't tell me Trevor was going," Gabriel's tone is accusing.

I look down at the picture on the screen.

"He did," I answer.

"How can you complain when you clearly weren't missing me?" he asks.

"Did you want me to be the fifth wheel?" I question, "I wasn't going to bail just because I couldn't convince you to go. The whole thing was my idea."

"You couldn't ask anyone else?" he continues.

"I could have, but I knew Trevor would say yes. He's up for anything, unlike some people," I explain.

"Sorry I'm an inconvenient boyfriend," Gabriel snaps back.

"Yes, sometimes it is inconvenient that you aren't a people person. I'm not either, but I try. That's all I was asking you to do," I remind him.

"Did you have to call in a sub?" he questions.

"Trevor is not a sub. I invited him as a friend and he accepted. That's all," I say.

"Was that all?" he looks mad now.

"Are you jealous?" I ask.

"I am not jealous of Trevor," he answers.

"Good. You shouldn't be. That is completely uncalled for," I reply.

"He hits on you every chance he gets," Gabriel accuses, "Don't act like you don't know. You go along with it."

"Watch it Reitman. Think before you accuse me of anything. I'm with you," I defend myself.

"Like Trevor cares or respects that," Gabriel tells me.

"I do. I respect it. That's all that matters," I explain.

"He's a guy Amelia. He will get as close as you let him," he continues.

"You're a guy," I say, "What do you do when I'm not around? If you really want to get into it, let's talk about the club. I doubt it's only guys you hang out with."

"That is not the same thing," he replies.

"It's exactly the same thing," I say.

"I don't go try to hook up with other girls," he states.

"I don't know that. I'm not there every time you go out," I respond, "The least you could do is show me the same level of trust. We were in a group. If you don't believe me ask Tash or Lo, they were there the entire time. Go ahead."

"You're taking my words out of context," Gabriel replies.

"Not to state the obvious, but if you had gone with us, with me, we would not be having this discussion now. You look at the pictures and all you see is a guy that took your spot. You don't realize that you left it free for him to take. Yes. Trev is the kind of guy that any girl would be lucky to be with. It's true right? You know it, I know it. That doesn't mean I want him for myself. Why would I plan a couples' thing and then go alone? How do you think that made me look? How do you think I felt? My friends might not mean anything to you, but they've been all I've had for the last two years. Your lack of interest wasn't going to stop me from spending time with them. Even if the entire time I wished you were next to me. You made your choice and I made mine. We both chose, we just didn't choose each other."

"All I said was that I wasn't interested," he responds.

"Exactly. You didn't go. He did. So what? It's done. Over. Who cares? I had a nice day. That was the point. You skipped it. You obviously didn't think you were missing much. So, what's the problem?" I ask.

"He's into you," Gabriel responds.

"No, he's not," I say.

"Don't be so naïve Millie," he adds.

Excuse me? Naïve?

"Naïve? No. I'm annoyed and offended that you think I'll take any chance to throw myself at another guy," I say.

"I am not insulting you," he states.

"Yes, you are," I reply.

"I'm remember watching you flirt with him right in front of me, so don't tell me it doesn't happen Amelia," Gabriel responds.

"I remember you telling me about your casual hookups, so let's not point out each other's flaws," I reply.

"That was before."

"So was Trevor," I say, "I was interested, then you told me to find a guy that made me happy and I did."

For a second, I feel bad because know it's rare for him to really open up about his feelings.

"Gabe, I get envious sometimes too" I admit, "but you don't get to tell me what to do. Not regarding any friendships."

"I'm not-" he begins.

"I know. I heard. You're not jealous," I repeat his words.

I grab my phone from his hand and put it in my back pocket before looking back at him.

"Can we go? I don't want to miss the previews," I say.

"Are you really just changing the subject?" he wonders.

"Look, I would probably object to you spending time with someone you had felt a connection with too. In case there's any doubt, I want you. As long as that goes both ways, we have nothing to worry about."

His thumb grazes my cheek and he gives me the look-my look. That look is the reason I know I don't want anyone else. Almost as quickly as the argument began, we're okay again.

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