Chapter 58: Unwelcome Guest

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I wake the next morning to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I whisper half startled and disoriented.

"Amelia?" Mom sounds worried.

"Hi," I whisper, "Hold on real quick."

I throw on the first clothes I find, pajamas from a drawer, and try to not make noise. I fail.

"Sorry about that. Hi mom, how are you?" my voice barely louder than a whisper as I pace the hallway.

"Amelia what's going on?" Mom asks.

"Nothing," I answer.

"You always call me first thing on your day off. Is something wrong?" she wonders.

"No. I just slept in. That's it," I respond.

"You slept in?" she questions.

"Yes. It happens," I answer.

"Are you sick?" she continues.

"No," I reply, "Actually, can I call you back in a little while?"

"You're sure you're fine?" she asks.

"Yes. Positive," I assure her.

"Don't forget," Mom states.

"I won't. Love you. Bye."

I hear movement in the kitchen and see Tash pouring coffee into her favorite travel mug.

"Good morning," I try to sound as normal as possible.

"You didn't tell her about your visitor," Tash replies.

"How did you-" I begin.

"I'm not an idiot," she answers, "I saw his car outside when I got in last night and I didn't hear anybody leave after that."

"Right," I respond.

"What can I say?" Tash asks.

"You can say nothing. You can be supportive," I tell Tash.

"Well I don't support it and I won't pick up the pieces when he breaks your heart again," Tash claims.

"Thanks for your vote of confidence," I reply.

"You used to be the smart one. Remember?" Tash continues, "You're acting all out of sorts."

"I disappoint. You more than anyone should be used to it by now," I say.

"Good morning." Gabriel enters the kitchen.

"Good morning," I say back.

Tash doesn't acknowledge Gabriel.

"So, I have studying to do tonight. Please let me know if you will be entertaining so I can go elsewhere. I would prefer as little distraction as possible," Tash tells me.

"That's not necessary Tash, we won't be in your way," I tell her.

"Good. You never are but thanks for the reassurance," Tash looks at Gabriel then back at me and adds, "See you tonight."

"Bye," I say.

The lock clicks on the door and I am left alone with Gabriel.

"I will talk to Tash, okay?" I tell Gabriel.

"Because she hates me?" he asks.

"This is her home, it's important she feels comfortable here," I respond.

"I agree," he says.

"Good," I reply.

"Tash doesn't like me and that is fine. She's entitled to her opinion," he answers.

"She doesn't know you is all," I say.

I open the blinds and look out the window. My favorite time of day, the view is incredible. Gabriel wraps his arms around me and kisses the back of head. I slide my right palm over my left wrist and hold it covering the J.

"You didn't tell me what that stands for," he says.

I sigh, "He or she had a name. I didn't know what it was, but I chose a name."

Gabriel holds me tighter, "He or she is lucky to be loved by you."

"Maybe one day I get another chance," I say.

"Not maybe. When. You will Mills."

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