Chapter 13: Morning

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I wake up the next morning on a couch in my living room and find Gabe asleep on the other. He stayed over? I consider waking him but then decide not to. Instead, I take advantage of the fact that I'm feeling a little better and jump in the shower. Thankful my headache is now almost completely gone. I come back out in jeans and a sweatshirt. I don't bother blow drying my hair so as not wake Gabriel. Instead, I head to the kitchen to make coffee when I see Gabriel sitting up on the couch.

"Good morning," I say.

"Morning," he responds.

Things feel awkward. Maybe I should have woken him up.

"I'm making coffee. Do you want some?" I ask.

"No thanks. Don't care for it."

"I need it most days" I say.

"Maybe you aren't resting enough or taking good enough care of yourself," he states.

"You're sounding judgy, you said you weren't going to do that," I remind him.

"During the movies," he defends.

"How about you let me caffeinate myself before you tell me all the things I'm doing wrong?" I ask.

"Don't let me stop you," he follows me into the kitchen.

I fill up my mug and take a drink. This takes a few several moments since Tash and I agree coffee should be savored. This morning, however, Gabriel's presence has me feeling like I'm in a fishbowl.

"You stayed over," I finally say.

"You fell asleep," Gabriel replies.

"See that doesn't explain why you're still here though," I tell him.

"Like I was saying," he begins, "You fell asleep. I could have just left but then I thought it'd be weird if you had no memory of how the night ended."

"O-kay," I wait for more of an explanation.

"Then you started talking. I thought you woke up, but you hadn't," he adds.

I was talking in my sleep? Great.

"What did I say?" I ask,

"Hard to tell. It didn't make sense," he answers.

"It sounds like I successfully embarrassed myself in front of you." Fantastic.

"It was interesting watching you," Gabriel comments.

"It was interesting watching me sleep?" I ask.

"No. Not like in a weird, creepy way," he defends, "I didn't mean it to be, but it is isn't it?" he asks.

"A little bit," I answer.

He laughs lightly. I think to myself: I like that sound. It's quickly interrupted by his phone beeping.

"Someone's looking of you," I observe.

While staring down at his phone he answers the message, "My roommate needs a jump."

"Duty calls," I smile after I say it.

"Yes, it does," he agrees.

"I need to get some work done anyways, so that works out," I say, "Besides, I've taken up enough time out of your weekend. Don't you think?"

"And maybe I've overstayed my welcome," he states.

"You haven't," I say.

"I'm kidding," he smiles.

Gabriel joking. That's going to take some getting used to.

I walk him to the door.

"Gabriel-" I start.

"Gabe," he corrects me.

"Gabe," I say, "Thank you."

"For creeping you out?" he says jokingly.

"For keeping me company," I answer.

"While invading your space?" he continues.

"You didn't. Last night was-"

"Not as awful as you thought it'd be?" he asks.

"Definitely not," I say, "not that I thought it would be."

But lets be honest, there were doubts. I was, instead, pleasantly surprised.

"Good," his smile returns, and I suddenly wish his phone had been off because I don't want him to go. For once the silence between us doesn't bother me. I hate that I break it.

"I'll see you another day then," I say.

Gabriel continues looking at me without a word.

"What?" I ask.

He leans in closer, his face a few inches away from mine now. My breathing gets faster.

Why does he make me nervous?

I feel his hands on my waist, pulling me into him.

"Don't," I put my hands over his and loosen his grip.

"Why?" he looks confused.

"Because I still feel a little gross and germy," I say.

He leans his forehead on mine, "I don't care."

"I do," I say.

Should I tell him I'm afraid?

"I know that, but I don't want to mess this up," I shake my head as the words come out.

"You won't."

Yes, I will.

His voice is softer this time, barely a whisper, "Trust me."

Two words. Trust me. Do I? Should I? Would he be here if I didn't? No.

He looks at me like he knows me. This isn't the Gabriel I know. This one thinks he wants me.

I don't say anything back but slowly nod. I let go of his hands which return to my waist while mine make their way up his arms and onto his chest. He presses his lips to mine. The kiss starts gently and gradually gains force to which I reply with the same want. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me only stopping when I need to catch my breath. I notice that he resists a bit before pulling away but is not as out of breath as me. I hate that my inexperience shows. How he can be so in control when I clearly am not? I wonder if this is the real Gabe.

I take a few steps back, adding distance in between and break the silence.

"Your friend for you," I remind him.

He smiles at me, "I'll call you later."

I nod. I watch as he leaves and think to myself: Two weeks ago, Gabe was someone I barely knew. Now, I want him. When did that happen?

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