Chapter 50: Old Friends

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The following week I'm a few minutes early for film class. I write some ideas down in a notebook as the class starts to fill with students.

"Just made it," Serena takes her seat. Again, in the last row. I'm always in the back row, it's the only place I can focus. Up in the front (or in the case of this lecture hall-down in the front) feels too confined. I tense up. After too many panic attacks I stopped trying.

"Why does parking always have to a nightmare here? Let's draw a few more lines on the ground so we can all have a spot, am I right?" Serena goes on.

"You should talk to somebody about that," I joke.

"Did I miss anything interesting?" she asks.

"Not yet," I answer.

"What about Crazy? Is she here yet?" Serena points to the chair the brunette sat in the week before.

"Not that I've noticed," I respond.

Serena scans the room. When satisfied with my answer she looks at me again. I change the notebook I was writing in for another one.

"What's that?" Serena asks.

"It's just some notes," I lie.

"Old school. I like it," she says.

One hour and forty-five minutes later we get a break.

"Hey, I want to stretch my legs. Can you watch my things?" I ask Serena.

"Sure, but before you do, what do you think of seven o'clock?" she asks.

"For what?" I wonder.

"No. What do you think?" Serena repeats.

"I think it's almost eight right now so I'm pretty sure your watch is broken," I answer.

"Amelia look behind you, to your left," she tells me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Caught him staring at you a few times," she answers.

Him? A guy? Not likely.

"I think you're confused," I respond.

"Take a look. Aren't you at least curious?" she questions.

"No," I make no attempt to find out who she is talking about.

"Maybe you know him," she adds.

Maybe I know him?

I slowly face that direction. I instantly regret doing so. I do know him. It's Gabriel. We make eye contact which I break right away.

"So?" Serena waits for an answer.

"I...uh...can you watch my things?" I ask again.

"I already said yes remember? Is something wrong?" she asks.

"No. Thank you. I'll be right back," I reply.

My feet move as fast as my brain will allow, while not being sure if they can steadily hold me up. In the lobby I quickly find a chair and sit. I focus on breathing which is hard to do when my thoughts are racing. I start counting and attempt to take deeper breathes. I don't feel any calmer. It isn't working. Why isn't it working? Moments later, Gabriel is standing only feet away from. I fight the tears I know are not far. Neither utters a word. I walk past him and exit the building. I spent the remainder of the short break watching the students enter and leave the building. As weird as it sounds, that relaxes me. Imagining where they're headed and why. To work on an assignment. Study. Go to another class. Meet a friend. Home. Work. Dinner. Office hours. The gym. It's a game I used to play during road trips when I was a kid. I'd look at drivers and passengers in other cars. I'd guess a destination and life story. It made the time pass. Once the break time is up, I head back inside.

The movie tonight is: Let the Right One In. Which, to anyone who hasn't seen it, I don't recommend. After class, the professor asks new students that weren't present the week before to stay behind for add codes to the class.

"Vampire kids, who does that?" I say to Serena while collecting my things.

"You didn't like it?" she asks.

"You did?" I reply.

"Yeah, a little," she confesses.

"I thought it was beyond disturbing," I respond, "Whoever wrote it had too much time on their hands if this is what they come up with."

Then, I watch as Gabriel makes his way to the front of the room to the professor for the code he needs to get. Tash's words come to mind. Exes are off limits. What kind of betrayal is that?

"You do know him, don't you?" Serena insists.

"I'll see you next week," I tell her.

As soon as I'm outside, I call Logan.

"What's up?" Lo asks.

"Did you forget to tell me something?" I ask not wanting to just blurt it out.

"Like what?" he questions.

"The other day, what was it Tash didn't want you to tell me?" I question.

"Are you asking me because you already know?" he's on to me.

"It was Gabriel. Right?" I continue, "Logan, I saw him. He's in my class."

"Talk about awkward," he replies.

"You knew and didn't warn me?" I ask.

"You never talk about him. Why would I bring it up?" he tells me.

"You did mention him, that same day only it was to put Preston down," I remind Lo.

"I did do that," he acknowledges.

"Why would you tell Tash anyways?" I wonder.

"I didn't. She saw us," he answers.

"She saw you what?" I ask.

"Talking. Gabe and I are friends."

"What do you mean you're friends? No, you aren't," I reply.

"We kind of are Millie," says Lo.

"I need air," I say.

"Wait. Did you talk to him?" Logan asks.

"There was nothing to say," I answer.

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