Chapter 21: Priorities

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From time to time, Mom wishes I never left home. This is yet have another phone conversation about my absence.

"I just saw you for Christmas. Remember?" I ask.

"You were home for two days," Mom says.

"I told you Tash got me a job at the restaurant, so I can make extra money. I had to come back," I reply.

"Oliver is your brother and he misses you," Mom says on the other end of the line.

"Oliver said that?" I ask.

"No but we talk about you and he wonders where you are," she explains.

"Tell him I'm at school. It's the truth," I say.

"You never get to see him," she adds.

"I know. I live hours away, what do you want me to do?" I ask annoyed that this is even an issue.

"Are you planning on being here for his birthday?" she asks.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it," I answer.

"I would like my children to be close Amelia," Mom tells me.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have waited until I was a senior in high school to give me a sibling," I respond.

"That is not fair Amelia," she sounds hurt.

"I call and video chat you all. I don't know what you want from me. Do you want me at home or do you want me at school? I thought that decision was pretty obvious," I respond.

"I want you present in his life. That's all," she says.

"I wish I could be. Unfortunately, it's only when my schedule allows it. Look, Oliver will always be my brother and I will always be his sister. The distance is not ideal, but we do have a relationship."

"Will you be bringing Gabriel?" Mom asks.

"Why would I do that?" I respond.

"Excuse me for wanting to know who my daughter is seeing."

"You know. I showed you a picture," I remind her.

"I would like to meet him Amelia," she replies.

"Gabriel works on the weekends Mom."

"Can he switch a shift or ask for a day off?" she continues.

"Gabe doesn't take off days to go see his own family," I say.

"And you don't find that odd?" Mom questions.

"He has a good work ethic," I say.

"Well, do what you can to bring him. If anything, I'm more worried about you now that I have no ideas what this guy's priorities are," she tells me.

"I will think about asking him okay? That's the best I can do," I say.

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