Chapter One

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  I smiled to myself as I walked across the stage, my graduation cap hugging my head tighter than my mom did just moments ago.

  The principal handed me a rolled up piece of paper, giving me a stern look that basically screamed for me to take it and finally leave his stupid school.

  For months now, I had been giving him hell because he has been giving me hell since autumn. Honestly, I don't even care anymore.

  I brush off the look he gives me and snatch the diploma before we all finally throw our graduation caps in the air- just like the movies.

  I inhale the fresh spring air as I step out of my car, my mom stepping out as well, with a pretty smile on her face. "It's about time you left that place. Aren't you glad?" She asked me.

  She pushed the door to our home open after she unlocked it and she stepped inside.

  "Duh," I say, walking inside and throwing my diploma onto the kitchen table. My mom grabs it and opens it giddily, scanning it.

  "I'm really proud of you," she stares at the diploma with a smile. "You didn't fail-"

  I rolled my eyes and laughed lightly.

  "But you could've done better." I mocked her before she even got a chance to speak.

  She chuckled and put the paper back on the table. "If you want to live here any longer, you better shut your cute little mouth, Kookie." She pinched my cheek, making me scrunch my nose up and pout at her.

  "Dad!" I yell through the hallway. "Mom's being mean to me again!" I whine.

  My father comes walking through the front door and smiles down at us. "How?" He asks.

  "I was sarcastic again.." My mom admits with a guilty look on her perfect face.

  That doesn't help, because all my dad does is stick out his lips and kiss her forehead. He hugs her and smiles fondly. "Don't worry, when he gets older, he'll be the most sarcastic person to ever live in this cruel world." He laughs.

  I roll my eyes as my mom smiles and hugs him back. "You guys are too in love. Life isn't fair." I groan as I sit on the kitchen counter.

  "Speaking of not being fair..." My dad lets go of my mom, giving her a knowing look.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and take a banana from the middle of the counter, biting into it. "What about it?" I mumble to him.

  "Kookie, we need to have a talk."



  I groan at my assistant, Park Jimin, as he spills coffee all over my desk. The coffee spreads on my desk, getting all over my files and papers that I had laid out for the day.

  "Park, what the fuck!" I groan loudly.

  Jimin curses to himself and picks up papers, trying to save them. "I'm so sorry," He says.

  I clench my fists and look at the small boy.

  "You sure are fucking useless." I hiss at him and then move away from my desk so that the liquid won't pour on me anymore than it already had. Jimin frowned and wiped me off.

  "I'm sorry." He quietly mumbled again.

  I roll my eyes and walk out of my office, going to my secretary with an angry expression, making him look up at me worriedly.

"H-Hi Mr. Min-"

"Get up." I ordered, making him speechless. He slowly slid out of his chair and stepped over so that I could sit in it angrily.

"P-Please don't fire me, I- I-"

"I'm not firing you, Taehyung." I sighed and logged into my email on his computer. "Jimin fucked up once again." I spat out.

Taehyung let out a small oh before standing silently next to his desk. "I called Mr. Jeon." His worried face disappeared quickly.

"What did he say?" I looked up at him.

He tapped his finger on the desk and looked away from my gaze. "He said he would talk to his son about your offer-"

"He has a son?" I questioned.

When I talked to Mr. Jeon about our plan, he had never mentioned who he would ask for help. It never came into my mind that he had a son, which would actually be perfect for us.

"—and he has his diploma now and he even wants to go to Seoul University, apparently—Which is actually good since you offered-"

"Okay, good." I turned my attention back to the computer and started reading messages and emails from other companies. "Just make sure we have it set by next week." I said.

Taehyung shook his head and stood beside me up until Park finally came back and apologized again, saying that the mess was finally clean.

When I got back into my office, I sighed.

This plan better help us financially.

New story!

I have a huge problem with finishing one story and then heading straight into making another.

I just really really like to write lol


More stuff will be explained in the next chapter, I hope u enjoy :))

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