Minecraft (Chapter 27)

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AK: What are we gonna do for a whole week?

Anna: Lock him in a room with a computer that has Minecraft, some chocolate, and a toilet!

AK: That's... actually a pretty good idea!

Anna: Oh, I was just joking. I mean, yeah, it's totally a good idea!

Elsa: Alright, Hans, I mean, Sven, you're getting a new room!

Hans: I am? Really?! OMG, thanks, mom!

Elsa: O_O

Thirty minutes later...

Olaf: Have fun, Sven! -they hooked up a computer, downloaded Minecraft, built a toilet, and made a flap in the door to slide food through-

Hans: Is this my new room? Yay! -hugs Elsa: Thanks mom! I love it! -Elsa face palms- OOOOOOOOHHHH! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE MINECRAFT!!!! Let's build a house...

AK: Someone get a video camera!

Olaf: Why?

AK: When the noob gets his memory back, I'm never gonna let him forget this! -she attaches a video camera to one of the windows- There we go!

Elsa: But won't all that screen time be bad for his eyes?

AK : Not necessarily... hey! You know who wouldn't want to miss this?

All but AK: Who?

AK: TwilightSky11! I'll go get her. You guys watch the noob.

(AN: The Minecraft joke is an inside joke from TwilightSky11's stories "Ask Anna" and "Ask Elsa")

(AN: I know I said that Twilight would get her own chapter if I got 20 voted for OQA day, and I'm gonna live up to my word. This is just a cameo appearance!)

AK : -in the portal- I'll just go left, left, up the stairs, right, across the bridge, right, U turn, left, right, straight, down the twisty slide, right, straight, step only on the red and purple tiles, and left. Then the simon says combination lock on door number 43 goes red, red, green, blue, and I'm in! -she enter's TwilightSky11's bedroom-

AK: Hey Twilight?

Twilight: AK? What are you doing here?

AK: Hans lost his memory, and now he's acting like a Minecraft noob, and we didn't think you'd want to miss it.

Twilight: Of course I don't want to miss it! -they go back to Arendelle-

Elsa: Look! They're back! -AK leads Twilight to Hans's room and unlocks the door-

AK: Just remember, he thinks his name's Sven!

Hans: NO NOT A CREEPER! Aww, I got blown up. -there are little chocolate wrappers everywhere-

Kristoff: Yeesh! He was only in here an hour and the place is trashed!

Hans: -looks up with a crazy smile and chocolate all over his face- Hi AK and AK's friend! Look at my house! And look at my family! -he has a bunch of sheep in his house-

Olaf: -taps Twilight to get her attention- He's craaaaaaaaaaazy! I'll distract him while you run! -to the computer/ Hans- Hi Sven's family! It's nice to meet you! -to Twilight- Because I love you Twilight, I insist you run! -to Hans/ the computer- I understand you make wool! Oooh! -to Twilight- Why aren't you running?

Twilight: Because I wouldn't miss this for the world! Ha ha!

Elsa: I hope his memory comes back soon. I can't stand the noob!

Anna: Me either.

Kristoff: Well, we can have fun with him while it lasts!

AK: But how do we get him away from the computer long enough to make him look like more of an idiot?

Twilight: I'll probably regret this idea... -she pulls the plug out of the computer-

Hans: What? Where did the screen go? Family, are you alright? I DIDN'T GET TO SAVE!!!!!! -he loses what little sanity he had and goes ballistic- YOU! -he points to Twilight- YOU DID THIS! FIX IT! FIX IT! FIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXX IIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT!

Twilight: Oh no. -he starts to chase her around- Someone help me! -the rest of the gang intervene. Kristoff picks up Hans and he squirms around and elbows Kristoff, so he gets free again-

AK: Uh oh! -Hans chases Twilight into a corner-

Twilight: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

Hans: YOU EVIL PERSON! YOU TOOK AWAY ONE OF MY ONLY HAPPINESSES! -he's about to hurt Twilight when AK whacks him in the back of the head with a frying pan-

Elsa: Nice work!

Anna: Where'd you find that?

AK: I have frying pans stashed all over Arendelle, in case of frying pan emergencies!

All but AK: O_O -they tie Hans to a chair-

Elsa: Here goes nothing... -she wakes up Hans with ice-

Hans: What the? Why am I tied to a chair? Oh. Hey AK... -AK face palms-

Olaf: Hi Sven!

Hans: Where's Sven?

Anna: Hans, do you have your memory back?

Hans: Where did it go?

Kristoff: We'll tell you later. On with your lives, citizens! -Twilight plugs the computer back in-

Twilight: There you go, noob. And next time, just ask politely. You don't need to freak out. -she leaves through the portal after punching Hans-

Hans: Ouch. -sees the screen- Ooh! Minecraft! -starts to play- Let's build a house... AAH! ZOMBIE! -they role their eyes-

Anna: So next time he has amnesia, we'll just whack him with a frying pan! -gets an evil smile- Can I do the honors?!

Elsa: Why not?

Anna: Yay!

(Remember: 20 votes on OQA day and I'll invite Twilight over for a full chapter!)

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