Trick or Treat (Chapter 46)

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AK: Today we're going to celebrate Halloween!

Hans: I thought we just did.

Anna: We only told stories then.

AK: Anyway, to celebrate this holiday, we're going to go trick or treating and have a costume party! And we might pull some pranks! And, if we find ideas, we'll tell more scary stories!

Elsa: Yay!

Kristoff: Alright everyone, let's get ready!

A few hours later...

AK: Awesome costumes, everyone!

Hans: I'm Steve!

Elsa: I'm a witch!

Anna: I'm Cleopatra!

AK: I'm Anna!

Kristoff: I'm Link!
Olaf: I'm a reindeer!

AK: Time to go trick or treating!

First house...

AK: -rings doorbell, door opens-
Hans: Trick or treat!
Person: Trick.
Anna: Wait what?
Person: Give me a trick.
AK: -draws arrow on a candy wrapper-
Look left. --------------------->
Person: -fails the test-
Elsa: Now give us candy!
Person: But I don't have anything.
Olaf: WHAT?!?!
Person: GAH! TALKING SNOWMAN! Uh... -digs in his pocket- Here. Have some pennies, a button, a Jolly Rancher, and a nickel. Now get your creepy snowman off my porch! -slams door-
Olaf: Hey!

Next house...

Elsa: -rings door, AK's history teacher opens the door-
Teacher: What do you want?
AK: Oh, hi, Mr. Baker...
Anna: Trick or treat!!
AK: -whispers to Anna- Don't say anything! Avoid eye contact and back away slowly. Never turn your back!
Anna: Why?
AK: He's the detention king!
Teacher: AK? You're fourteen! Why are you trick or treating?
Hans: Because she feels like it!
AK: -whisper/ yells- Shut up Hans!
Teacher: Who do you think you are boy to talk to me that way?
Hans: I'm the king of the world! -Hans knocks the candy bowl out of Mr. Baker's hand, grabs a huge handful of Snickers, and starts running. Anna starts to follow AK's advice but Kristoff grabs her and they all take off running-
Kristoff: Hans, why did you do that?
Hans: Cause I'm awesome.

The next house...

Olaf: -rings doorbell, and AK's friend Zack opens the door- Trick or treat!
Zack: Hey AK. What're you doin'?
AK: Hey Zack! Give us candy!
Elsa: Preferably chocolate.
Zack: I don't got no candy. I was just heading out to get some.
AK: And what are you supposed to be? An idiot wearing a hoodie and jeans?
Zack: I'm an undercover spy who works at a high school to protect the children of the world!
AK: Uh huh. Well since you don't have any treats, you get a trick!
Zack: Wait what?
AK: Anna, hit me with a Sharpie!
Anna: On it! -she smacks AK with a Sharpie that she pulled out of her pocket-
AK: -face palm- Not literally.
Anna: Sorry! -she hands AK the Sharpie-
AK: Since you don't have a costume, I'll give you a costume!
Zack: Stay away from me!
AK: Never! -she corners Zack into a wall and draws a moustache, beard, and cat whiskers on his face-

Next house...

Kristoff: -knocks- Trick or Treat!
Old lady: Hello dearies! I have some lovely, healthy prunes for you!
(AN: Happy Halloween dear childrens! That's an inside joke. My science teacher always says childrens instead of children. Happy demand free candy from strangers day! I give you all a giant box of "fruit"! Theoretically, of course. Another inside joke, my language arts teacher always gives us candy but calls it fruit because of our school's wellness policy, which no one gives a dang about anyway. So I give you "fruit", aka lollipops! Be sure to check out my new PJ/ HoO roleplay adventure book!)

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