Black Friday (Chapter 59)

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AK: Today, we are going to boldly go where I have never gone before!

Olaf: Where?

AK: To the mall on Black Friday!

Elsa: What's so special about that?

AK: Black Friday is when you get all Kins of sales and deals on stuff that you don't really need. It can be summed up in one word: Chaos.

Anna: That sounds fun!

AK: Well, there's a first time for everything. The only thing is, we're gonna have to wake up really early to get to the mall before everything good is gone.

Hans: How early?

AK: Like, 2:30 am.

Anna: There's a 2 in the morning?!

Later, at 2:30 am...

AK: Time to get up, everyone!

All but AK: -groan-

Elsa: I guess I'm ready. Anna?

Anna: Five more minutes!

Elsa: Get up, little sister! -she puts her hand on Anna's forehead-

Anna: Elsa, close the window! It's freezing in here!

Kristoff: Do we have to get up this early?

AK: Yes.

Olaf: Can we have some caffeine first?

AK: Sure, why not?

Hans: Can we stop at Starbucks on the way?

AK: Fine.

Later, at the mall...

AK: -they're in the entrance to the mall- Stay calm. If we get separated, meet at the food court in about an hour, but the goal is to stay together. You know, avoid the divide and conquer strategy that salespeople use. Just stay calm and stick together, okay?!

Olaf: Ooh! Look, a store selling sparkly things! -he runs off-

Anna/ Elsa: Candy store! -they run off-

Kristoff: Guys, wait...

Hans: -runs off to find a designer shoe store-

AK: It's just me and you, Kris... -Kristoff has also run off somewhere-
...toff. Fine! I'll just go off on my own! We'll see who comes crying in the end!

(Now, I'm just gonna rapidly switch POV's to save time!)

Elsa: Look over here, Anna! It's a chocolate tin shaped like a snowman! Anna? Anna! Where'd you go?

Anna: Ooh! An advertisement for half off an entire store! Let's go!

Hans: Ooh! It's only a hundred dollars for these Nikes! Do I want blue/ green, or green/ blue? I can't decide!

Kristoff: Hmm... I wonder if Anna would like this necklace. It's 25 percent off... hmm...

AK: -standing in the food court- Okay, I've got to get my bearings. -random lady walks by selling cookies and a herd of small children follow her, catching AK in a sea of kids- GAH! -talking to herself- Okay, calm down. They can smell fear. The little children don't want you, they just want the cookies!

Olaf: Cool! A sale on refurbished dishwashers! But I have one question... What's a dishwasher?

An hour later...

Star: I love the mall! I guess I'll get a bite to eat... -she walks by the garbage can and finds AK hiding behind it, curled into a ball, and rocking herself back and forth- AK? What are you doing?

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