A New Reign, Part 1 (Chapter 88)

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(AN: Shout out to beardoesminecraft! He gives me countless ideas for chapters, and actually wrote part of this one! Well not actually wrote it, I wrote it here, but they're his original words. I just... yeah, I confused myself there. I should probably stop talking now. Oh, I also decided that I am going to make a sequel once I reach 100 chapters! Yay!)

Elsa: Hello...?

Phone: -clicks-

Elsa: Oh well. I'm gonna go take care of some Queen business. -leaves-

AK: So what else should we do today?

Hans: Play Minecraft.

Anna: Eat chocolate.

Olaf: Give out free hugs!

Kristoff: Go hiking.

BDM: -pops out of nowhere- SEPARATE JELSA!

Everyone else: YOU!

BDM: Me.

Anna: How'd you get here?!

BDM: -suddenly behind Anna- That's for me to know and you to find out.

Hans: Wanna play Minecraft?

BDM: -inside the compute screen- Sure.

Elsa: -hears shouting and walks back in- YOU! -gasps-

BDM: -suddenly in front of Elsa- Me.

Olaf: Hi! Do you want a warm hug?

AK: ...But how are you teleporting? That's a Level Four spell!

BDM: How I get around is none of your beeswax!

Olaf: You've finally embraced your inner wizard! But you didn't answer my question! Do you want a warm hug?

BDM: No. I have something to declare. -suddenly taller- IAM IN THE PROCESS OF TAKING OVER THE MULTIVERSE. JUST TRY AND STOP ME! MWA HA HA HA HA!!!! -they're all suddenly in a cage-

Jack: -flies in window- Hey Els... BDM?

BDM: -puts Jack in the cage too-

Jack: What the...? How'd you get here?

BDM: I had help from an old friend.

????: -steps out of the shadows- G'day mates.

All but BDM: -GASP-

Elsa: YOU!

Olaf: WHY?


????: MWA HA HA -cough-

BDM: Your evil laugh still needs work.


????: Well, we are.

Jack: WHAT?

????: This is just revenge for that prank that you pulled on me three years ago when you made everyone else pretend I was invisible for a whole day!

(Can you guess who ???? is?)

BDM: Now, NO ONE WILL STAND IN MY WAY! Also, Elsa, I need to see you in my office.

Elsa: What office?

BDM: -opens a closet door, and changes the roo until it's a full sized office, complete with desk, chairs, a computer, and all, then teleports into a swivel chair, puts his feet up on the desk, and opens a book- Come, I've saved you a seat!

Elsa: -_- -gets escorted by ???? into BDM's office- What do you want?

BDM: -puts down the book- Please sit.

Elsa: -_- -sits down-

BDM: Now, I need you to do something for me. Pretty much, I'm hiring you.

Elsa: Can I resign?

BDM: No. I need you to help me test out a new spell that I've been looking to attempt. -taps the book, and we see that it is the Official Wizard's Spell Book, Volume 2-

Elsa: ...Why me?

BDM: Because.

Elsa: That's not an answer.

BDM: Yes it is. Don't disrespect your superiors.

Elsa: -_-

BDM: I need to use you as a... guinea pig, so to speak, in this one particular spell that needs my attention.

Elsa: So when are we doing this?

BDM: Right now! -he closes the door, and pulls out his wand-

Elsa: O~O -gulp-

BDM: -points his wand at Elsa, and says the incantation. A red burst shoots out of his wand, and a red cloud of smoke surrounds Elsa, and when it finally dissipates, we see that her outfit has changed, looking more angular and intimidating, and her hair is short and black- The spell is complete.

Elsa: -looks at her hands in a daze-

BDM: You will be loyal to me.

Elsa: -stares at her hands a little more, then shoots a blast of ice at the desk, and it freezes solid- I WILL BE LOYAL TO NO ONE! -she pushes lifts BDM off his feet with a gust of cold wind, pushes the door over with ice magic, and walks out into the hallway, where ???? is standing and everyone else is in cages- YOU'RE TRUE QUEEN HAS COME TO POWER!

Anna: Elsa...?

Elsa: NONE OF YOU ARE WORTHY OF MY PRESENCE! -she sets out a wave of cold wind and snow, causing the cages to fill with snow- I AM QUEEN EDITH OF ARENDELLE, HERE TO RECLAIM WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE! -cackles, creates a blizzard, and flees up to her ice palace-

BDM: -sits up from being thrown into the ground- That... was not... what I had in mind.... BUT I AM STILL CONQUERING THE MULTIVERSE! You guys... good luck with that. -indicates to the yet again frozen landscape and whiteout, and teleports somewhere else-

Jack: ...Edith...? -passes out-

Olaf: Come on Jack! You're stronger than this! I'm your conscience, I should know!

Anna: We need to get out of these cages.

Kristoff: Good news, the locks froze. -he pushes his way out and helps free the others-

AK: So we've got eternal winter... again. We never get a break, do we?

Hans: Nope.

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