Chapter Three.

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A picture of Casey is on the side.

The show last night was alright, I guess.. Okay, okay, I must admit that is was better than I thought it would be. I mean I said that I didn't like him, but I never said that I didn't like his music. Those are two very different things, right?

I couldn't help but notice the way Jack was on that stage. It seemed as if the moment he stepped onto it and faced the fans, he was a totally different person. He wasn't cocky or rude or that perverted guy, but he was more genuine, I guess you could say. His smile was honestly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and it showed throughout his performances, as he looked at the crowd of screaming girls. I could easily tell that this was the only other thing he loved wholeheartedly besides himself.

But I couldn't help but think if this was all an act. An act for his fans. An act in front of social media. An act to keep people from bombarding him with questions. An act for them to not to find out how stuck-up and how much of a douche he really is. How don't they know, though? He's known for being a womanizer. He's known for making girls fall head over heels for him, but he isn't known for breaking girls' heart. Although, that is really what he does best. How can people really not know? All the signs. All the clues. They were all there.

His innocent act quickly disappeared once he walked backstage, for the guest performers to perform. Every single time he appeared backstage, he would walk over to me and discreetly grab my ass, making sure no one saw, then whisper 'hey babe' or 'missed you babe.' I stiffed up immediately once I felt his hand on my ass, not by surprise nor by pleasure, but by how uncomfortable I felt. I whacked his hand away, the first time, glaring at him, signaling him to not do it again, but that only encouraged him even more. 

It was when they finished their song 'Cold Hearted' and entered backstage that I completely lost it. He had walked over to me, like all the other times, but instead of grabbing my ass, like I had expected him to do, he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me away from the group. I had tried to pull away from his grip, but he was ten times stronger than I was. I did look at Cass, my eyes pleading for help, but she only winked at me, and went to greet her beloved 'boyfriend.' He then led me to the corner, where no one could see us, and had set me free from his grip. I immediately tried to stomp away from him, but he only gripped onto my wrists a little tighter than last time, and pushed me towards the wall. My heart was beating right after my chest, and it was because I was scared of him. Scared of what would happen next. Scared of what he might force me to do. His lips were centimeters away from mine, and I hadn't dare to move a single muscle, not wanting to be kissed by him out of all people.

That was when my anger came up to surface, after countless times that he pissed me off and crossed the line of my terms of 'personal bubble.' I shocked myself as I raised my knee up and kneed him right in his area. He crouched over with pain and I laughed, amused with his pained expression, and walked off. I had laughed even more when I saw him on stage again, slightly limping every once in a while, and his face twisted in pain whenever he did a dance move that involved him stretching his legs.

God, I was glad that, that was over with.

Cass pranced into my room, wearing that innocent smile of hers - where her smile looked so cheeky that the corners of her mouth almost reached her ears. I knew instantly that she was going to ask me to do something for her. Something that I will absolutely hate.

"What'd you do?" I asked her right away.

She scoffed, "What? Why would you be asking that?" She stretched out the word 'what' and that was all the confirmation I needed that she fucked something up for me.

"Cass, what exactly did you do?" I said, making my voice clearer than last time.

She cleared her throat, looking extremely nervous, like she knew that I was going to tackle her after she told me the news. "Well, I uhm I," She looked at the ground, then the ceiling, then all around the room, before returning to meet my eyes, and blurted out, "Ipretendedtobeyouandsignedacontractthatstatedthatyouandgilinskyhadtofakedateforthemedia."

She said it all too fast that it took me a few minutes to comprehend what she had just said, before my eyes widened as I realized the news. "You. Fucking. Did. What?" I barely ever cussed, unless I was completely angry, and she knew it too as she backed away from me, holding her hands up as if they were going to protect her. "Why would you fucking do that?" I asked, trying my very best to keep calm. "You know I hate him with a whole lot of passion."

She shrugged her shoulders with a faint smile on her lips. "You could apply that passion to the relationship?" she stated, although it came out as more of a question. She then chuckled afterwards like this was such a funny situation. I glared at her, and she stopped laughing right away. "I just," she sighed, "I just thought that if you dated him than I would have more chances to see Johnson." 

"You-you what?" I screamed, throwing my hands in the air, frustrated at my sister. I can't believe this.

"I just," She began, but I cut her off.

"Yea, I know what you wanted!" I screamed at her. "But did you think about what I wanted?" I lowered my tone, not wanting to blow up on her. "Did you think about my needs? Did you fucking think about my needs to stay as far away as I can from that asshole?" I turned away, frustrated by her, and not even wanting to look at her anymore.

She did something that I didn't expect at all. She bent down on her both of her knees, and begged. "Please Aly. I really like him and you know how management is." That was true. I did know how management is. We were on our way to stardom, considering we were only known throughout America only a few months back, and started becoming big worldwide a month ago. Our career took off pretty fast, and it surprised me at times. The fact that we haven't been in the industry for that long yet, only meant that we had to keep up with everything. We had to always be in the studio, recording new songs, so we would always stay on top of the charts, and wouldn't be forgotten. Besides that, we had to do meet-ups across the United States and sometimes in London or Australia or Brazil, where most of our international fans were at. Soon enough we would tour the entire world, and that didn't leave us enough time for ourselves, and management was clear to state that. I looked at my sister again, and I noticed that her eyes wasn't only filled with plead, but of love? Did she love him already? I sighed, "Fine."

Her eyes lit up immediately, but the love in her eyes was still there. She stood and jumped up to hug me, which took me by surprise, nearly causing me to knock over, from the force and by me not expecting that to happen. She pulled away then scratched the back of her neck. "Uhm, you have to go to a meeting about it today. In about," she glanced at the clock that laid on my table, "one hour."

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