Chapter Nine.

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Alyssa's P.O.V.

Oh my goodness. Who's room am I in? What's wrong with my head? What's the ringing noise?  Oh gosh, I feel like I'm going to throw up it. Wait, yea, it's gonna come up.

I sat up, bringing my hand to my mouth, trying to keep myself from gagging onto whoever's floor it is. I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw in the morning was Jack. That probably didn't make me feel any better at all. He was standing there in only his briefs, with a towel hanging over his left shoulder, water dripping from his hair, onto a pan? I noticed that he was holding two pans in each of his hands, still smashing it against each other. So he was the one responsible for the ringing noise? So it wasn't just all me. Gosh, what was he thinking? I could see his lips move, forming words- words that I couldn't hear, through the ringing from the pans and from my head.

I could feel whatever I had last night, come back again, as I rushed to the restroom. My head hung over the toilet, waiting for it to come out. I mentally groaned when I saw the fluids and food come out of my mouth and splatter into the toilet. I didn't realize I drank this much to make me become this mess.

After I was done throwing up, I moistened my face with water, cleaning all the make-up I had put on the night before. I walked into the room again, recognizing the designs on the wall and the bed sheets, because I went shopping with Sel to help her pick out decorations to fill up her many, many guest rooms.

My legs gave up on standing as it weakened and I collapsed onto the bed, closing my eyes. I reopened them when the ringing in my ear continued, seeing that Jack was clanging the pans together, yet again. I lazily reached up, grabbing the pan, amazed that I had actually grabbed it, considering how weak and how tall he is, and flung it across the room.

He didn't give up on annoying me though. He grabbed me by my shoulders, shaking me. When I didn't respond to him, he tickled me at my weakest spot for tickling, my sides. I was too tired to even laugh, but after a while of him poking me at my sides, it hurt. I groaned, shutting my eyes tighter, as if that would allow me to fall asleep faster. "What the frick do you want?"

"If you are so grumpy then you shouldn't have gone and drank so much vodka and shit," he mocked me, earning a light slap on his chest. I meant for it to be harder, but I had absolutely no strength right now. "And you have to get up, because Ryan," I'm guessing that he was Jack and Jack's manager (I don't know if they have one or not, but Ryan will just be their manager for my story okay) "texted me earlier that management wanted us to go out in public and do some couple shit."  

I forced my legs to stand up, making my way to the little counter in Sel's guest room, making myself a cup of coffee, hoping that it would cure my hangover.


We were now outside of some little store. I didn't want to go to a well-known location, not wanting have to deal with so many fans and paps screaming my name, asking questions, and wanting pictures. I love my fans, obviously, but it was too early for my hangover to heal. Jack argued that if we were to be able to be seen by paps, like management wanted, we should go to a more well-known location, or else they would kill us. I just think that he wanted more paps to see us and get his 'handsome looking self' as he most often mentioned onto magazines. In the end, Jack agreed with me, surprisingly.

I wore sunglasses, shielding my eyes from the sun, and using Jack as a shield as well, since he is so tall, blocking myself from any more headaches. We made our way past the store when something caught my eyes. I squinted my eyes to look closely at it and widened them as I clearly saw what was on the front page of many magazines. I let go of Jack's hand, going closer to them, picking one up to examine more closely. As I stared at it, I knew that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. Printed right on the front of it was a picture of Jack and I.. kissing.

When exactly did this happen? I held the magazine closer to my eyes, examining the background. It looked a lot like Sel's house. Hold up, this was at the party wasn't it? I asked myself like I knew the correct answer. I turned around, glancing at Jack, showing him the magazine, "What is this?"

He looked at it for awhile, trying to see what I was showing him. Once he saw it, he chuckled. "Yea, you kissed me yesterday." I did what? I questioned myself, not believing what he said. Why in the world would I kiss him? I don't like him. For a matter of fact, I hate him. "Told you that you were into me. Stop denying it, babe. You were all over me." He tapped my nose, his lips curving up to no other than a smirk. Was I really that drunk?

I was about to yell at him about how that wasn't true, not even close, but I spotted paps rounding the corner. I immediately clung onto to Jack's arm, receiving a confused look from him. I directed my eyes to the paps, "Show time," I whispered into his ear.

He smiled, that smirk still planted on his face, "Show time."

As the paps came nearer, I clung closer to him. He looked at me and a huge smile broke onto his face again, as if he loved me or something. I would laugh if that ever happened. Like I would literally ROFL, drop to the ground and literally roll around on the floor laughing. I'd probably laugh my freakin' ass off too, so I would ROFL and LMFAO.

Jack took my hand in his, twirling me around. He laughed as I let go of his hand, and danced, really badly, might I add, around him. Hopping on one knee, once in a while, making silly faces at him. He stuck his tongue out at me, when I slipped on my own shoelace, almost tripping. I wanted to slap him, but instead, I put my fingers in his dimples, sticking my tongue out, back at him. His cheeky grin grew. He bent down on one knee. My breathing picked up. What was he doing?

As if he heard my question that I had asked inside me head, he spoke, "Don't worry. I'm not going to propose or anything." He laughed at my facial expression, eyes wide, then furrowed eyebrows. He didn't propose. Instead, he picked at my untied shoelaces, and tied them for me. "Just so you won't fall for anyone else but me." I rolled my eyes at his cheesy line.

Once he stood up, I went in for a hug, nuzzling my head in his chest, still hearing the paps snapping photo. To add to our 'couple' display, he picked me up, my feet leaving the ground. I squealed as he spun me around in circles. "Put me down," I mumbled into his chest, as I was getting dizzy and the tiny bit of fear, that I was gonna splat on the ground, came onto me.

"You're a better actress than I thought, babe." He said, setting me down, leaving a kiss on my cheek, before he licked it. I yelled out in disgust as he just stood there laughing at me, holding onto his stomach. I looked at him, and I swear, I saw his eyes sparkle, making his brown eyes more beautiful. Maybe it was because it was sunny out, and that was the reason why his eyes showed a new sparkle that I had never seen before. But whatever it was, his beautiful eyes, his laugh, I found myself smiling, a real smile, a thing that I haven't done, since I was around him.


it would be gr8 if you guys gave me some feedback or star my chapters just so i know that you guys like the stroy <33

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