Chapter One.

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A picture of who I picture as Alyssa is on the side. AND THE TRAILER IS THERE TOO SO GO CHECK THAT OUT!!

I turned the page to the magazine, seeing a headline in bold black letters that caught my eyes, making me stop and to not continue on skimming through the magazine. Written at the very top of the page was the words, 'Jelena Making A Come-back?'

"You have got to be kidding me," I groaned, lightly shaking my head.

Selena is one of my girls. Honestly, she's such a sweet person, not to mention, that girl has some great fashion sense, and she's such a great listener. Justin's my home boy. Justin and I are tight. He can always force a smile on my face, which can be quite annoying at times, but he's always there for me. Seeing them as a couple is just such a huge no. I mean, they're both so emotionally damaged by this already, and I don't want to see any of them hurt again.

When they first started out as a couple, I shipped them so hard. How could anyone not? They both looked so genuinely happy to be around each other, and you could just tell by the spark in their eyes when someone utters the other person's name that they were truly in love. They both brought out the good in each other, and I was ecstatic for the both of them to have found each other.

After their first break up, everything became a wreck. You could easily see it once you landed your eyes on them. That spark was gone, their smiles were shown less, and they were both so drained. But then they got back together, and soon enough they broke up again.

The cycle got tiring for everyone. For their families, friends, the media, even for themselves. The relationship was so unhealthy for them both, and I tried my best to talk to them about it, but they both just shot my words into the trashcan. I just want them to be happy, and I'm not sure that this rocky and toxic relationship can do that.

It's either they're meant to be or they're just a person that was in each other's life to help build themselves, and that's it.

My eyes went to the article under the heading.

It read, "Justin and Selena are continuing to show their love on social media." I rolled my eyes, but continued on, "Their cute cooking video is a must watch. A chef has been coming to the house to give them gifted cooking lessons." They better have learned to cook something marvelous to eat when I come down there myself to give them a talk. "Before that the seemed to be couple, have been spotted in Stratford, Ontorio, taking turn riding a four-wheeler, while the other held on tight. The lovebirds was in Canada the day before, riding together- as it was shown on Justin's Instagram. By the looks of it, Selena seems to be getting closer to her on-again, off-again boyfriend, family. Then later, it was said that Justin invited Selena to come to Las Vegas to see his boxing BFF, Floyd Mayweather's fight."

"Selena and Justin are a hundred percent together right now, he's asked her to move in with him and she couldn't be happier," a source tells us.

I stopped reading, my eyes widened as a recollected that last sentence in my mind. "What?" My eyes darted back to the article, wanting to find out more about this news that quite angered me, being that a stupid gossip magazine was my first source to know about this, instead of Justin and Selena. But before I could read any more words, the magazine was ripped from my grasp.

I glanced up at the person that was holding onto the magazine and preventing me from reading it, only to find out the it was my twin sister.

"Cass, what the hell!" I hollered at her, obviously annoyed at this.

She ignored my annoyed expression and spoke, "Guess what?!?!"

I knew she was excited about something by the sound of her voice and the look on her face, but I didn't really care to know what it was, at this point. I ripped the magazine from her grasp instead, like she did to me, and went back to my reading.

"It looks as if they're both happier than ever. Justin's been trying his best to be the guy the Selena deserves. He's been planning surprises on his own, promising her to take her to trips of a lifetime."

I was rudely interrupted from my reading yet again, when the magazine was snatched from my hands yet again.

I looked at my sister, annoyed and furious. She had flung the magazine onto the floor, and looked at me, waiting for me to ask her what she was so excited about. 

I sighed, "What?" I stepped off my bed, and headed to the spot where she had thrown the magazine at and bent down to pick it up, then returning to my spot on my bed.

"We're going to Digi Tour Jack and Jack on Saturday!" she screamed, jumping up and down. After I didn't jump up and down and scream with her, she stopped, and looked at me weirdly, as I was occupied to the article.

I began to read again, when she grabbed the magazine from me, for the third time today and quite aggressively, I must add, and chucked it out the window.

I stood up from my bed, right away, aggravated by her actions. The only break we have had in months since the on-going world tours, interviews, photo shoots, meet and greets, etc. and considering we only had ONE week off, and I couldn't even lay down on my bed, read a magazine, without being interrupted.

I huffed, "SO??!!" I asked her angrily.

She didn't seem to be phased at all by my tone, "So?" she asked me my own question that I had asked her, with the 'are you serious?' voice. "It's THE Jack and Jack. Remember? Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky."

And then it hit me. It was the duo on vine made up of that Johnson and Gilinsky guy. The ones who Cass would never shut up about. She literally talked about them 24/7. Well, she literally talked about Jack Johnson 24/7. She would always talk about how adorable and cute he is, how sweet he is, how good of a rapper he is, how she would love to get to know him better. It was annoying at times, well most of the times. And Jack Gilinsky was the stuck-up, cocky, snobby, womanizer guy that I hated with all my guts.

"Cass, are you joking? You know I don't give a damn about them," I groaned, plopping onto my bed.

She laughed. "Weren't you the one who said Jack Gilinsky was a sex god and you wouldn't mind if he-"

I raised my finger to her lips to shush her up, "I thought we agreed to never speak of that again." I glared at her. "Yeah, but he's a dick now, and I strongly dislike him."

She rolled her eyes, "C'mon Aly, he's not that bad."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Not that bad, my ass. He's horrible."

"Whatever," Cass said, "But you have to come with me please."

"No," I answered.

"But I already told the fans we would be there, and they'll be super disappointed if they came and you weren't there," she said, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"You. Did. What?" I questioned her, pronouncing each word slowly, all with a tense tone. I can't believe she's using this card. She knew I hated disappointing our fans, and that's exactly why she had to use it. Damn. Why does she have to know me so well?



She pouted her lips and looked at me with those puppy eyes again, "For the fans?"

I can't believe I'm going to say this. "Fine."

She straightened up at the sound of the word, and pulled me in for a tight hug. "Thank you! Thank you!" She squealed into my ears.

I pushed her away with one hand. "It's for the fans," I stated

This upcoming Saturday was going to be dreadful.

I know this was a rather long and boring chapter, but I just needed to get things started, so hopefully the next chapter will be better.

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