Chapter Eight.

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As my lip's touch Jack's, I feel his sharp intake of breath. It was obvious that my sudden action took him by surprise. Here I was saying how much I hated him and how much of a douche he is, and now I was the one kissing him. I have no idea what I'm doing at this point, but I couldn't stop. I can taste wine on his tongue as he opens his mouth and kisses me. We were actually doing this. We were actually kissing. His warm tongue clashes with mine. Before I could think about this any longer, and how wrong this was. I snake my hand around his neck and pull at the roots of his hair. He moans in my mouth, and I pulled him closer, if that was even possible.

I pulled away from him quickly once I hear the snap of a camera. I turned my head towards the sound, spotting an old man with a camera, hiding behind the bar. I unwrapped my hand from his neck, and started walking to the direction of the man, pulling him up to his feet. "How'd you get in here?" I asked.

I could feel him shaking from under my breath, and he looked at me with fear in his eyes, like I was going to kill him at any moment. I was actually quite amazed that he even had it in him to look at me, straight in the eyes, because by the looks of it, he seemed pretty shaken up. I sighed, "You know what? I don't care how you got in here in the first place, but you need to leave. We need our privacy. Thanks." I let go of him, and shot a look at the door. He hurriedly left out of the house.

I shook my head. Paps are everywhere. They are like magicians, popping in and out of places, with one single snap. On my way back to the bar, I felt slap my butt, catching me so off guard that I nearly stumbled over. "Hands off me prick," I sneered, whipping my head around to see exactly who this person was. The guy was about 6 foot 2, his dirty blonde hair was swept to the right side of his head. I looked up his long body, meeting his eyes. His icy blue eyes. Wait.. I know those eyes. Those familiar, haunting eyes. No, it can't be him. It can't be. Is my drunken mind playing around with me?

"It's been a long time since I've seen you Lisa," he smirked at me.

My legs shook, my mind swirling, my breathing picking up, second by second. "I.. I-" I couldn't show him my weak side. He'll only take advantage of it. "I have been great since then." I smiled. It was the truth.

He caressed my cheek with his hand, rubbing my cheekbones with his thumb. I smacked his hand away. "Don't. Touch. Me." I spat, stepping away from him.

"Don't be like that, Lisa," he ran his hand up and down my arm, stroking it.

"You don't have the right to call me that anymore." I raised my hand up and smacked him right across the face. "Now, that's how it feels like."

I stomped away from him, bumping into someone, and this time and couldn't keep my balance, so I fell over. I groaned. "Uhm, Alyssa?" I removed my stare from the ground to the person who I bumped into. I picked myself up from the ground, ripping the bottle of vodka from Jack's hand. The burning taste slithered down my throat as I chugged the whole thing.

"Are you having fun? Because I am!" I shouted, taking another sip of the vodka.

"You're completely out of it," he sighed, tugging me by my arm. "Let's go."

"Where are we going? We're not done partying yet!" I ignored his grip on my arm, dancing to the upbeat song.

"You're drunk. Let's go."

"Why do you care?"


Gilinsky's P.O.V.

She's right. Why do I care about her? I'd rather spend my time knocking up Madison or some other slut. Management would be pretty pissed if I let her stay here, all by herself, drunk. God knows what trouble she would get in with the media. And I have absolutely no idea where Jack and Cass are. Great.

I took the drink from her hand, chugging down the rest of the drink before placing it on the counter. I heard her whine about me drinking her vodka or whatever. Although, it was my drink that she stole from my me.

I grabbed her legs, and slung her over my shoulder, walking up the stairs. I accidentally hit her head on the wall, turning around the corner, earning a groan from her. I laughed, continuing my way down the hall. There's got to be an empty room in this huge mansion. I opened the first door that I came to, finding a couple making out. It seemed like they were in a very heated session. The girl was straddling the guy, and they were both half naked.  I whistled before closing the door, trying to find another room.

After opening every single door there was, finding them already occupied by couples or  really drunk people, I finally found one that was empty. I walked in, closing the door behind me, with my foot, throwing her on the bed. She groaned, mumbling a few words I didn't understand. She brought her knees to her chest, curling up into a ball, wiggling her foot as if doing that would remove her heels from her feet. I chucked lightly before making my way to the bed, seating at the edge, helping her out of her shoes. She kicked at the thin air for a bit, before letting her feet settle down on my lap.

As I stared at the girl that I was forced to spend the rest of the year with, I noticed how carefree she looked. She didn't look like that uptight girl that I have come to known during the short period of time we spent together. I caught a piece of hair that fell from her face, clipping it behind her ear. She looked peaceful. I never seen her like this. Whenever I saw her, she always looked so stressed and angry. Probably because she hates me, but she looks more attractive this way.

My mind went back to earlier that night, when she kissed me. I don't know what happened. I don't even know if she knew what happened. When she kissed me, it took me by surprise because it was her that kissed me. She made the first move. It also took me by surprise on how it felt. It felt incredible, with her lips on mine. With her hands wrapped around me. When she pulled away, I found myself wanting more.

I shook my head, trying to rid my mind from those thoughts. I don't know what's happening. I don't understand what I'm feeling. God, this was frustrating. Who knew that one girl has got my mind all messed up? I have kissed many girls. Hell, I have hit all the bases with many girls. One kiss has got me over the edge.

A loud scream ripped me out of my thought. I looked around the room before realizing that it was Alyssa who was screaming. "Please stop Michael. I love you." She whimpered, tears running down her cheeks.

I lay down beside her, wrapping my arms around her, shushing her, "It's alright, babe. I'm here."

"Please don't hurt me." She whispered before falling back to sleep. I felt my eyelids become heavy as I listened to her steady, peaceful breathing. After a couple more breaths, I fell asleep with her in my arms.

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