Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I'm glad that you agreed to talk to me," Sammy said as he sat down on the chair across from me, shooting me a small smile, that I didn't return.

"Well, I didn't really have a choice did I? With you constantly texting or calling me?" I said back, shooting a look of annoyance in his way. It was true though. He didn't seem to leave me alone, no matter how many hints I had left for him. It came to the point where I had hit my patience level, and I agreed to have a chat with him, only to tell him that he needed to stop bothering me, nothing else. "Okay, let's get right to the chase. I need you to stop calling or texting me, because if I don't reply back or answer you, that means I don't want to talk, so just please stop."

"But I want to talk about us."

"First of all, there's no us." I placed a finger on my chest, then pointed to him. "There was never an us, according to you," I spoke bitterly, my eyes slightly twitching, a hideous habit that I always try to hide, but whenever I was really mad, it couldn't be stopped.

"I told you that I still love you and I always did! What don't you get?" he spoke, shouting at me. By the way his eyes grew larger as he spoke, I could tell that he was aggravated too.

"What I don't get is that if you love me, then why did you hurt me?"

"Because I was a stupid boy then, and didn't know what I had until I lost it."

The anger in me suddenly surged higher and higher, in my chest. He hurt me so much, and his excuse was that he was stupid? And he even had the courage to add the most cliche line ever. No. After everything he put me through, the days were I was a complete loser and loner, the times where I wanted to tell someone about something to just get it off my chest. This wasn't a good enough excuse.  

"That's all you have to say?" I asked, my my voice sounded flat yet strained as I was trying to keep my fury inside.

"I don't know what else to say, but-" he sentence trailed off, as he was searching for the words to say.

I stood up from my chair, both hands on the table, meeting with the cold, glass surface. "If you don't know what you've done to me and how much more than a sorry to fix it, then I don't want to waste my time."

"Wait," he called out, holding onto my wrist, before I had the chance to walk away. "I do know what I put you through, but I don't want to go into full detail to it. I don't want to be reminded on how I screwed everything up, and let you slip from my fingers. I do want to say that I will do anything to make up for that, and never let it happen again."

I let his words sink in before, closing my eyes shut. Memories came flooding back of when the humiliation took place, the embarrassment on my face when he dumped me on our anniversary in front of the entire school. "I'm sorry. I can't," my voice so low and quiet that I wasn't even sure if he heard me.


"Then how can you forgive Jack!" he screamed, standing from his chair abruptly, causing it to tumble to the ground, making a loud bang.This time, he grabbed onto both of my wrists, forcing me to trun around. As our eyes were alligned, he spoke sofly, "How can you forgive him, but not me? Jack was the one who planned it. He was the one who wanted to humiliate you, to embarrass you! It was all him."

"But it's different," Sam opened his mouth to speak, but I looked at him, telling him to not interrupt me with my eyes, "You went through with it. You were the one who did the damage."

"But it's not that different," he countered.

"It is-"

"No, it's not! And you know it too. Just why."

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