Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Aly! No!" She shouted, her voice sounding as loud and strong as she could muster up, but you can still tell that she's hurt by the way her voice breaks. 

I twisted on my heel, and faced her with my knee bouncing up and down in a fast pace, impatient. I just wanted to bust into his room, possibly knocking over a few of his steps. I mean he broke her, so might as well break his stuff, right? I wanted to yell at him for being so stupid, and jumping to conclusions without even talking to her about it. He just assumed things, and now because of him, she was here against the wall, barely holding herself up, looking as if she could faint or having breathing problems any minute now. 

"Please, don't hurt him. Just don't," she choked.

"But Cass-" That was the only thing I wanted to do right now. Not really physically hurt him. I wouldn't even hurt a fly, let alone manage to hurt a guy physically, but I did want to hurt him emotionally or even mentally. I wanted to feed him his own medicine, and make him feel the way Cass does now. 

"No Aly. I just need some space. I can't take it. Please just convince management to give me some space," her voice dropped again, making her request sound barely audible, as she bent her head down, to try and hide the tears from me. But it was too late, I had already seen them. I saw a tear travel from her eyes and down her beautiful, round cheeks. Her eyes showed that she was slowly breaking, and her desperation of wanting a break from it all, showed there in her voice. Obviously, this relationship was something she wasn't used to, and she had become vulnerable, letting someone in too quickly, not knowing the consequences like I did.

I knew what I had to do. I had to this for her, and be there for her in her weak state. I pulled out my phone, clicking on Stacey's number. I waited as it dialed. "Hello, Stacey speaking."

"Jack and Jack want to take a break from the tour," I said instantly.

"They can't-"

"I have a replacement. Just let them take a break for awhile."

"Alyssa, I'm not sure-"

"Stacey, trust me on this," I spoke, cutting her off for the second time.


A smile grew on my face. "Thank you Stacey!"

I hung up, glancing down at Cass, to see her smiling slightly up at me, knowing what I had just done. She mouthed a 'thank you,' as I bent down on my knees. "Come on. Let's go to my room."

She shared a room with Johnson before, and I knew she didn't want to see him right now. It was too early. It would be too much for her to handle. She nodded, and grabbed onto my hand, when I held it out for her. She placed her palm on the wall behind her, as she was too powerless to stand. She stumbled a bit when she was fully standing up, but I placed my hand on her back to help her steady herself. I led her to my room I was currently sharing with Jack.  

I then guided her to my bed, telling her to lay down and get some rest. From experience, I knew that sleeping was a way to avoid the pain for awhile, before having to look at the horrible situation again. She lay down, hugging her knees, so that her knees were up to her chest. She snuggled her head into the pillow, shutting her eyes.

I saw another drop of tear leave her closed eyes, landing upon her collarbones. "Stop thinking about him. Just let yourself fall asleep," I whispered, laying myself down next to her, moving the hair out of her face. I wiped the tears away from her face, rubbing onto her skin slightly sometimes, in attempt to calm her down, so that she could fall into a deep slumber, and hopefully not wake for hours.

It was different, as I was the one this time to do thee comforting, and not be the one who was being comforted. Cass was the older twin, and she felt as if it was her duty to always protect me from everything, and I do mean everything. From guys, from girls, from animals, from teachers, from cars, from anything and anyone in general. Even though, I kind of pushed her away after what had happened with our parents, she was still there when I really needed it. I think she felt that since she was older, it wasn't right for her to act weak in front of me. She always stayed strong for me, to show me that anything's possible. So even if she was sad or hurt by something, she never showed it.

So when I saw her crying right in front of me, I knew it was serious - if she let me see her like that. And just like that, our roles changed. It was my turn to repay her for always cheering me up when boy were just plain jerks, and always shielding me from the harsh and dangerous world.

After watching as her breathing decreased, indicating that she had slowly fallen asleep. I stood up, walking out of my room, closing the door quietly so that she won't wake up from her peaceful world.

Jack met me at the door, "I get to stay here with you, right?"

I shook my head, and he narrowed his eyes at me, "So when will we come back, and who are you getting to replace us for a bit?"

"Easy. Sammy and Nate, considering they are already here."

"No," he countered immediately, "No way am I leaving you with a guy who you used to love and the fact that he still loves you, is a bigger no."

"Jack, don't argue with me on this," I said, not wanting this to turn into something that it didn't need to be. But knowing Jack, I knew where this conversation was going. "Cass really needs to be separated from Johnson, and I think that seeing your face won't help."

"Get Shawn to cover for us," his said, more like ordered, sternly, his eyes hardened.

"I'm not bothering Shawn, when Sammy and Nate are already here and open."

"Lys, I said no," his voice rose slightly.

"And I said yes, and the last time I checked, this is my tour. Not yours," the volume and tone of my voice matching his.

"God Alyssa! Why don't you ever listen to me!" he shouted, throwing his hand into the air, flustered by my fighting back. He turned around, in a swift movement, punching the wall, next to us, creating a small hole.

"Jack!" I screamed struck but his actions.

He glared at me, his upper teeth clamped shut on his bottom teeth. His jaws tightened so much that I could see his bone, sticking out. And I saw that monster I had seen earlier again, by the look in his eyes. It was there. The blackness covered his whole eye. His eyes looked as if they had become demon eyes. He looked like a demon.

I flinched. "You. Don't. Control. Me," I spoke sternly, in a low voice, eyes lowering to the ground. My stance was upright, as I tried not to show any sign of fear or weakness. The terror of him knowing he could overtake me, was an uneasy feeling, and I didn't want any uncertainty of my braveness to appear in front of him. One look at that, and he could take me down. "Please just go."

"Lys, I'm sorry I-" And his eyes, quickly returned to its normal state. How rapidly it could suddenly change into those deep, dark eyes, that I hated, then to those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes that I loved, befuddled me. It was as if he was there, but he wasn't, at the same time.

"No, Jack. Go. This isn't up for discussion anymore." My eyes didn't return to meet his gaze, scared to see the monster that still lingered in his eyes. It was all too familiar to me. A feeling that I went through before. The frightened girl I once was reflected when I looked into them.

I could see Jack slowly turning into another Michael. And just like Cass, I needed a break from a guy named Jack.

sorry for always rewriting chapters, but school has taken over most of my time, and i'm just trying to write a chapter to get it out to you guys. and it's been rly hard to try to come up with a good chapter to write with all the homework i have going on. so bare with me pls.

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