Chapter Eleven.

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this chapter is dedicated to yeetingjack on twitter aka laura!! thank you for supporting this story!! you're so sweet and i love you k

 unedited sry

The question Jack asked me caught me so off guard, that I literally stared into space for about a solid minute or so, leaving him hanging. I didn't know how to answer. I kept contemplating with myself to at least say something to him, but I couldn't say anything. I forgot that he was even there, until he waved his hand in front of my face, tearing me away from my thoughts. In the end, I didn't say anything at all. We walked around the park, none of us uttering a single word. He seemed to open his mouth to speak and crack the silence between us a couple times, but he would just close his mouth again, deciding to not speak at all. Sure, we still had to act like a couple, hold hands and stuff. But neither of us talked and it was quite awkward.

I mean, I wanted to say something, I guess, but what could I possibly say. I didn't understand him. What did he mean by, "Would you ever give me a chance?" A chance at what? A chance to have sex with him? A chance to prove to me that he's not what I think he is? A chance as a friend? A chance to- I got nothing.

I haven't talked to him since, and it had to be at least a few weeks since then. Management didn't even make me go out with him, considering I have spent the last few days wrapping up our songs to release them in time for our tour. I have been too busy and management has been too, so Stacey and Annie haven't been strict about it as much. I was tired of the constant back and forth between the studio, the dance lessons, the vocal sessions, and I just wanted to lay in bed and fall asleep for days.

Since Jack and I haven't been seen hanging out, there have been some rumors going around, that we 'broke up' or we got into some huge ass fight. A few tabloids have even said that I that I 'dumped his ass,' because I only go for the really famous celebrities not some semi-famous guy that didn't make that much money. I, for one, am not a gold digger. I wanted to rat them out saying that they had no right to say that, considering they didn't even know me or our relationship, if you can even call it that. Of course management would blow up on me right away, saying how I have to think before I say something, because the media would twist it up, making me seem like someone I wasn't, and it would cause major setback for us. There are a few who have written that Jack was cheating on me with Madison Beer. However, I think that statement was true, because he always texted her and she called him whenever we were together. But it wouldn't be considered 'cheating,' since we aren't even dating. He can sleep with whoever he wants for all I care.

To subside those rumors, management has taken over mine and Jack's twitter. Tweeting things that make us seem like we miss each other so much that we're always moping or that the both of us are ecstatic for the day we will reunite again. Just a bunch of lies.

It has come to point, where I'm so annoyed that I don't even go on anymore. Most of the tweets I see are of me and him. People tweet/dm me about our 'relationship' all the time. It's stuff like:

'Oh my god! You guys are so cute!'



There are other times when I go on, I see tweets that 'Jack' tweeted me. Somewhere along the lines of, 'I miss my babe so much' and there will be some picture attached to it. Most of the pictures were some that I don't even remember taking, and some where really old and unseen. I have no idea how they got it and it creeps me out a bit. What bothers me even more is that I would reply saying how I miss him more or I would tweet him how proud of him I am, basically promoting his music and videos.

I have spent my days, hanging around with Cass and Johnson, whenever we weren't getting prepared for our tours. He always had to sneak in though, just in case the paps start asking why Cass was able to hangout with Johnson and I wasn't able to hang out with Gilinsky. We didn't want to spark anything that wasn't necessary.

Being the third-wheel wasn't exactly fun either. They would always snuggle up while we were watching movies, leaving me sitting alone, holding a bowl of popcorn, sitting on the floor. And let me tell you, the floor isn't the best place to sit for an hour or two. Sometimes, they would end up making out, when I was right there like literally a foot away. Or they would be really cheesy towards each other, having those 'I love you more' arguments and stealing small kisses from each other.

"Who is it?" I yelled once I heard someone knocking repetitively on the door. When they didn't answer, I stayed seated. What if it was the paparazzi or some creeper? I don't want to open the door for them. "Who is it?" I yelled again, louder this time, as they kept on pounding on the door. Still no answer. They pounded on the door again, non-stop, making me become even more agitated with every single knock. I swung the door open. "What the hell do you want?" I asked, irritation written all over my voice. My irritated face stayed, eyebrows knit together. "What do you want Jack?" My face softened as I remembered how I didn't answer his question and left him hanging, and on top of that, I ignored him. "I'm sorry," I sighed, tying my hair into a bun. "Come on in," I told him stepping aside, so that he could step in. "But why exactly are you here?" I spoke, closing the door behind him.

"To see my sexy girlfriend of course." He grinned, an obvious smug look on his face, as he leaned down giving me a peck on the cheek. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't surprised that he didn't try to kiss me on the lips. "In all honesty, I was talking to Ryan, and he said that these rumors were getting ridiculous, and I told him why don't I just spend the night," he stopped when he noticed that I was glaring at him, "I meant it as a joke! But he thought I was serious, and even called me a genius, so here I am."

"You know that not all those rumors were false." he cocked his head to the side, as if asking what I meant, "Oh c'mon! I think we both know that  you were, uhm, sleeping with Madison."  

"Well, we did sleep in a bed together," he smirked at me.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Well, what did you mean then?" his eyebrows raising up and down.

"You and her - Well you guys did - You guys uhm - Okay you guys did the nasty - You know what I meant!" I screamed, embarrassed. I could feel the heat taking over my face. I looked away, feeling slightly uncomfortable that we were talking about that part of his life.

He chuckled, "I was messing with you, and I guess we did. So anyways, let's watch a movie."

"I'm choosing the movie," I stated, running over to the movie stand, picking out the movie, that I could watch hours on end.

"Mean Girls? Seriously? Typical."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Every girl loves it."

"It's a funny movie," I defended. "Plus it's not some sappy movie that everyone knows won't happen, but still wants to happen, which makes us girls sad. And I've spent the last couple of weeks watching those romantic movies with the lovely lovely couple, my idiot sister and her idiot boyfriend, listening to them talk about how cute it would be if that happened with their relationship or when they kissed during a happy moment, which turned into a make-out session."

"Okay. Mean Girls it is."

I placed it in the DVR player, then took a seat at the corner of the couch, far away from Jack as possible. I could feel his eyes on me during the whole movie. I saw how he would grin a little whenever I laughed at a funny line and chuckled whenever I got mad at the characters. I think he was watching me more than he was watching the movie, and I've got to admit, it was weird. Why was he even staring at me?

Towards the middle of the movie, I felt the couch move. I look to Jack, seeing that he was closer to me than before. He started scooting closer to me, trying to make it less obvious by casually sliding over, with his eyes on the TV as if he has been watching the whole time. I started scooting away from him, and he seemed to scoot even faster to me. I scooted farther away from him, and I ended up just jumping away. He copied me, hopping on the seat, closer to me. I jumped one more time, falling off the couch.

I groaned as my butt hit the cold, hard floor. Jack immediately rushed to his feet, coming over to me. "Are you okay?" he asked gripping onto my shoulders as the look of worry flashed over my face.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" Just as the words left my mouth, the look of worry flashed away as quickly as it had appeared, and in it's place was an expression that I couldn't read.

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