Chapter 6

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As the bus pulls up to school, I see Troy talking to a few football players. I'm pretty sure they asked him to play. They will forever change him. I get off the bus and start walking fast before someone notices me. The football idiots notice me. But barely, my makeup is normal, and unique. They trip me, Troy turning around wondering what's going on. He sees a girl on the floor, me not being noticeable to him. He asks if I need a hand. I respond crying, "No. I'm fine". I pick up my stuff and run to my locker. Troy finally noticed its me. He yells at them, telling them how rude they are. I look through the doors, crying.

As I run to my locker, Troy catches up to me. Wiping my tears, I turn around asking what he wants. "Zoey this wasn't my fault. I didn't realize you! I yelled at them! I promise! Zoey!" I forgive him, I just ask him to let me go to my locker alone. He agrees, I walk to my locker, with a smile. Ready for the day. Ready to go.

I ask Troy if he wanted to get Orange Leaf with me later, after school. He asked his mom and she said yes, but she can't drive us. I texted my mom.

"Mom, could you take me and Troy to Orange Leaf after school? I want to get to know him more." No response.

20 minutes later I get a text from my mom.


"Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I want to meet Troy!"


"Geez mom, calm yourself. It's just a friend, and I have no feelings for him.. Yet."


"I know! But I need to meet my baby girls friend"


"Mom.. Please don't embarrass me."


"That's what moms are for!!"

My mom is so weird. But I love her.

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