Chapter 24

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We all woke up around the same time. I texted Barbra and told her that Lynn, Danielle, and Michelle would be at my bus stop with me. She responded.

"Okay! See you soon!" She texted me. I smiled. Oh do I love Barbra.

My mom got a call and said my dad had a heart attack. We all rushed to the hospital. I took Troy with me to the hospital, I was not going to be alone with the guy that raped me. I don't even know why we went, or why I was forced to go.

Belle was SO excited to see dad.

"Daddy!" Belle screamed, and jumped on dad.

"Get off!" He yelled, in pain. Belle was crying, she ran to Troy.

"Troy.. Daddy is mean to me" She put her hands up, wanting Troy to pick her up. I did the same.

"Troy pick me up!!" I smiled at him and Belle. Belle glared at me. I laugh.

"Oh, Belle. You crack me up" I say, laughing.

Dad sees me. I turn back around to Troy. He hugs me, having trouble hugging since I'm im the wheelchair. I COULDN'T make eye contact with.. It. My mom looks at Troy and me in disappointment.

"Zoey. Step outside with me for a minute-" She doesn't finish. She started the world please, and didn't finish. Belle interrupted.

"Mommy. When does daddy come back home?" She asks, I shiver.

"Please Zoey, let's go." She says, sounding serious. I kiss Troy and go outside the room, leaving Troy to play with Belle.

"Mom. I don't want to be here." I say, making the first words, before she even can open her mouth about why she even wanted me out here.

"I understand Zoey, but he's your fath-" I interupt her.

"He IS NOT my father anymore mom. He is Thomas, my rapist. Blood dad or not, he isn't considered my father anymore, at least by me mom." I sigh at the end of that sentence.

"Zoey, don't start this with me. He's your father." She's getting mad. Good, maybe she'll get mad at me and let me leave.

"He isn't my father mother! He raped me! Raped. R A P E D! He pushed me up against our couch, and had sex with me, having him the only one who enjoyed it. You don't understand do you, mom? Go get raped by your father. Tell me how it feels. Tell me how hard it is to look at him, or even call him father." I'm just mad at this point.

"Zoey Elizabeth Matthews. Get control of yourself! Please! Your acting like a little child!" She whisper-yelled that one.

"Mom. Can't you just drop it that I don't like 'Dad' anymore? What if Belle got raped. Would you care? Wo-" She interupts.

"Belle and you are totally different Zoey! Belle is 4, almost 5! You're 14!" She yelled.

"So your fine with me having sex? So I can have sex with Troy? You'll be fine, since your fine with my own FATHER, father mom. Father, get that in your head, raping me." Jesus. Does she not have any sense?

"Zoey. I'm about done with this conversation." She's giving up.

"No. I'm not done. I hope you understand one day. I hope you understand what it was like. You know, to be raped at 14. I hope you understand the pain I went through that day. I just wanted to go to Lynn's house. I just wanted to hang around my friends. Did you hear that word? FRIENDS. I have friends mom. That feeling is great. I haven't had friends in a while. I finally have them, I even have a boyfriend! I also have lost my virginity. I'm 14. I lost my virginity. Get that through your head! I'm done here. I want to go home. I could care less if dad is in pain or not."

I want to shoot someone at this point. I'm so upset and angry at the same time. I don't know why she doesn't understand this stuff. It's ridiculous honestly. She's my mother, and doesn't show any sympathy for me.

"Zoey, I'm taking you home. This is ridiculous. I understand, it's just stupid you can't act to like him." Seriously. This woman, is the worst.

"WHAT IF I WOULDVE GOTTEN PREGNANT?!" I scream. I look around. Oops.

"Then you would get an abortion. I don't see what else to do. I'm already divorcing the guy, and I put him in jail. What else can I do?" Is she an idiot?

"JUST STOP CARING." I say, mad.

"Zoey. Let's go." She said, ending the "Nonsense".

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