Chapter 7

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~Troys POV~

Zoey is beautiful. I remember when I first saw her sad face on the bus. At first, I felt bad, so I sat with her. But then I realized how serious her sad face was. She wasn't just having a bad day, she was having a bad life. It was killing me seeing a little scar on her arm, she forgot to cover it. Those stupid football people tripping her, ugh. I hate them, and to think.. I was thinking of joining the football team!

Zoey was mad at me, but then asked me to get Yogurt. I'm not quite sure how I feel about meeting her mom, but I'll get through it.

I love following Zoey around from class to class. I love messing with her, she's so cute when she's angry. She can't stay mad at me. She looks madly at me and then grins. Who can stay mad at Troy? Not Zoey.

~At Orange Leaf~

I got the Wedding Cake flavor mixed with some Cotton Candy. Its Delicious! Zoey got a flavor called "Fruity Pebbles" It doesn't even taste like Fruity Pebbles, it tastes like Fruit Loops. She LOVES Fruit Loops and her mom seems pretty chill. I really hope Zoey is having fun, 'cause I am! Me and Zoey sat for a few hours, got a few refills, and talked about our lives. I say I'm doing pretty good in this friendship boat, Even though I wish it could be more than just a "Friendship Boat". 

After Zoey's mom dropped me off I told her, "Thanks!" and texted Zoey immediately and told her I had a great time.

We texted for hours, until Zoey had to go eat dinner. She's having Chicken Wings, my favorite! Which is apparently her favorite too! We both have cats, my mom is a huge cat person. We visit the vet once a month to make sure all our stupid cats are alright. One sticks out, I named her Zoey, because she's my favorite. Shes unique, just like Zoey. Zoey is our newest cat, she's 6 weeks old.

I just recieved a text from Zoey. 


"My dad has Alzheimer's.." 

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