Chapter 48

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Hey look! I updated! Next chapters gonna be another 2 years later, leaving me to only write one more year! I'm EXCITED to get to the end! Big surprise! In the next chapter Zoey will be 18! I'm sorry the book skips around so much ;-;, I just don't know how I'm going to keep the storyline going if I didn't skip it. Sorry I haven't updated! I'm tried to make this chapter as long as possible, but I don't have a clue how long I can make it to. Once again, I'm realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry I haven't updated. Thanks for 2.9K I love you guys so much! <3 Happy Thanksgiving!

"Well." I say when I wake up undressed, next to Troy in the bed.

"Thought you weren't ready." He says, winking, and then falling back asleep. Really all I can do is smile, I can't stop and I don't know why. I lay and stare at his ceiling, and decide to get up and grab my clothes. I kiss Troy's forehead, and drive home. Once home, I decide to walk to Shell, when I walk places I get screamed at by the kids at their dorms which are near my house.

"Eww. It's her."

"Go kill yourself."

"Troy doesn't even LIKE YOU!"

"Waste of space!"



As I walk past everyone, and hear them, the only thing I can think of is my past, my dad, I just think of everything. I start to cry, then start running. Then, I suddenly stop crying, running, stop everything, and I turn around. I walk back to where they are. This was my time to shine.

"Hey you guys!" I scream, and they all look at me, then at each other, all with confused faces. I stand there with confidence, and a smile. I know my dad would be proud of me.

"Enough is enough!" I scream, and then goes the laughter. I'm tired of laughter, especially at me.

"This isn't funny!" I respond to the laughing. They all keep laughing.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" One of them taunts. I stop, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do about it. I think, and think, and can't think of anything.

"Nothing." I mumbled, and continued walking to Shell. I make sure I have all my money, and start to run, so I can get there and back quickly.

I roll down my sleeves, so the workers or anyone don't see my scars, which sadly, haven't faded much over the last 2 years. Troy still kisses them every night before he leaves, or we go to bed, even if I don't want him to, he INSISTS to kiss them.

"$5.00 please." The woman at the cash register says. I pay her, and run. I run past the kids, who stand and laugh at me. I run faster, and when I get to my house, I run in my room, take my anti-depressants, and get ready to go to therapy.

"Zoey lets go!" Belle screams at me, and opens my door as I'm about to open it, causing her to hit my head, which hurt more than I said, but it was whatever at this point, because we were running late. I grab my keys and headphones, lock the door, and run out to the car. I put my headphones in, and put Taylor Swift's new album, "1989" on shuffle. I end up falling asleep for 15 minutes of the 30 minute car drive, which was nice.

"YES I BEAT IT!" Belle screams, causing me to jump out of the half-asleep-still stage I was in.

"You beat what?" I ask, rolling my eyes, I honestly didn't want to be fully woken up yet.

"Time Machine Zoey, on Geometry Dash." She snaps back at me, for an unknown reason.

"Belle, don't snap at her." My mom says, sighing. She's getting older, and less active.


"So Zoey, how have you been lately, has anything bad happened lately?" She asks, looking at my body to make sure I haven't done anything bad lately. Such as cutting, burning, and all that.

"I'm alright. People from my neighborhood have been picking on me lately, but it's okay. I tried to stick up for myself, but I guess it failed." I sigh at the end, yet again another failure. We talk about the usual stuff and I drive everyone home because mom seems really tired, and I'd rather not take the risk.

When we get home, I fall asleep, and dream about meeting PewDiePie again, oh how that would be amazing.

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