Chapter 41

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"Doctor is she dead?" I hear Lynn say as she's out of breathe.

"Ma'am, it's hard to tell. She's breathing and all, but it could be a matter of time before she actually dies from the attempt. She could be dead by tonight. It all depends." The doctor said, shrugging his shoulders. I hear sighs from a few people.

"We're. Here." Danielle and Michelle say panting. I open my eyes. I remember everything that happened. I shiver.

"Zoey!" Lynn comes up to me and squeezes me. I don't know how to react. I see Troy. I shake my head. No. Why is he here! I ask for my mom.

"Mom. Why is he here.." I ask. I don't want him here.

"I called him here be nice." She says. The nurse comes in and asks everyone to leave, except for my mom.

"You realize you have to go to a mental hospital, Ms. Matthews?" She says. I didn't really think about the fact I would have to go. I knew I would though. I nod my head.

"Yes. Yes I d-do." I studder. I realize how big of a mistake this was. They do my final checkups to make sure I'm fine before visitors come in, and then take me to the mental hospital. Troy is first to come in. He shuts the curtain and I lift up my shirt and look at my stomach. Bruise. Bruise. Bigger bruise. I quickly put down my shirt, before he looks.

"Why are you here, wait no, what do you want from me. You've already abused me, you've broken me, caused me to attempt suicide! What else could you possibly want!" I start to tear up. I honestly just want an explaination. He shakes his head and looks down at his shoes I got him. They're the Vans I've always wanted, but I gave them to him. I don't regret it. I don't regret anything that happened. He made me stronger, he made me realize who he really is.

"I-I'm sorry Zoey.." He says shaking, looking down at his shoes, and walking towards me. He starts to cry, and then he squats down to the ground. He covers his face in his hands and looks up at me, and puts his hand through his hair. I don't know what to do. Do I give him another chance? After what he did to me? What am I supposed to do?

"Troy, times up." The nurse says. I whisper to him.

"Text me." I whisper. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I put him aside and look at Lynn who is coming in.

"Zoey. You could've died." She whispers as she runs up to me. She hugs me. "What if you would've died." She starts crying into my shoulder.

"I don't know. I honestly would've been happier if I would've died." I say to her, I really would've. My life is a mess.

"Zoey. Take that back." She looks me straight in the eye. I look at her long ombré hair.

"I'm sorry Lynn." I say, realizing how much I really would miss seeing her everyday. I hug her.

As each person comes in and out I realize it's getting closer to me being moved to the mental hospital. As the last visitor comes in, I start to cry.

"Dad?" I say looking at my father, who sits in front of me.

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