Chapter 23

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PewDiePie slept on my couch, I shiver. The couch I got raped on, by my own father. Not even my father anymore, My rapist. I named my dog Sunny. PewDiePie downloaded a bunch of games on my laptop. I loved it! Apparently it was part of the pay. They must of payed lots for me! I told PewDiePie I had to go to school, and gave him all the login information for my laptop so he could do whatever he wants, he wanted to come to school, to meet some of the people, but he would get trampled so I said no. I hugged him, and told him to be careful. "BYE EVERYONE!" I screamed as I left my house. This was great.


My phone dings. I smack it, acting like its a person. "PewDiePie has uploaded a new video" Oh my god. Is he uploading videos.. In..My..House?! I almost screamed, then remembered I was in class, not paying attention. "What's the answer.. Hmm.. Zoey! What's the answer to the problem on the board?" Mrs. Morgan asked. I thought. Crap! I wasn't paying attention. "Uh-UH-Um" I stuttered, Troy wrote down the answer on paper and gave me it. "1,000 squared!" I screamed, nervously. Everyone laughed. "Eager to answer, Ms. Matthews?" No. "Yes!" Everyone laughed again, my face turning red.

I answered the rest of the questions for the class period, since I was so eager. Troy brought out the inner-self of me. I actually talk now. Well, at least I know the answers to the math quiz now.

The announcements come on in class. "Zoey Matthews, your mom is here with your lunch." Ugh. Why don't they just call the room. I unlock my chair, and wheel down the halls. Crap! The meanest kid in school.

"What are you up to Chloe?" He says cracking his knuckles.

"It's Z-Zoey" I stutter, scared.

"I don't care!" He says, shoving me out of my chair.

I slide across the floor. "L-Leave me all-"

He stops me, throwing a punch at my face, I dodge it, making him hit the floor, he screams and I get in my chair, and start to wheel. He got up, and is chasing after me, I reach the elevator. He pushes me into the elevator, locking us in there alone.

"GO AWAY" I'm helpless.

"Never, Babe." He says, winking.

He hits my stomach. Pain. I wheel out of the elevator, crying. I go to get my lunch, wiping my tears. "Bye mom! Love you!" I say, acting happy. I wheel back to my class, getting an ice pack for the huge bruise on my stomach.

I didn't tell anyone what happened, knowing they'd baby me. I hate being babied.

I like bus rides, they're so fun. I wheel off the bus, and read Give Or Take. Lynn! Update! I'll just text her.


Lynn! Update! Now! I've been waiting forever!


I like to read too, Zoey.


Just update! Ugh!


Zoey. I will update when I want.


Lynn ._. Please.


Zoey ._. I'll write an authors note. Okay?




Zoey, don't make me feel bad.


Sorry. I just wanna know what happens.


You can find out later.


Fine. Love you! Bye!


Bye? I was gonna tell you a secret but whatever.


Wait no!


Too late ;)


You butt! Lol


I'm gonna read! Bye Zoey! Love you!


Same! Bye! Love you too!

Sometimes Lynn can be a butt, but I love her. I get a text from Michelle.


Answer your door, butthead!


Oh. Okay. Lol.

I open the door. Then get a text, a group message.


Hi guys!




I just got back from dance, my mom dropped me off at Zoey's!


Hi, and yes, Michelle, I know.


I'm excited!


I wanna come!


Me too!


Okay.. Come then..

Soon enough, me, Lynn, Danielle, and Michelle are all sitting on my iPad playing Geometry Dash, while listening to "Anaconda" by Nicki Minaj.

"MY ANACONDA DON'T" Lynn screams.

"MY ANACONDA DON'T" There goes Michelle.

"MY ANACONDA DON'T WANT NONE" And Danielle, they all look at me. I laugh.

"UNLESS YOU GOT BUNS HUN!" We all laugh, that's our song.

We ended up having a sleepover. Oh, I love these girls.

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