Chapter 10

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His mom dropped me off with a smile. I really think I'm falling for him. I wonder if he feels the same about me. I go on YouTube and see I got a Subscriber. I never get Subscribers . What is this.. PEWDIEPIE SUBSCRIBED TO ME?! I let a scream out. My mom knocks and I find the words "Come". She asks what's wrong and sees the notification. "PewDiePie Subscribed to you" She hugs me, with a huge smile. This is a perfect day.

I texted Troy 1,000 times spamming him with




He responded with

"What. Is something wrong."

I told him all about PewDiePie and he was SO jealous. I smiled, for real this time.

It all went perfect as I went to sleep, all perfect.

~The Next Day~

I dressed in the outfit Troy bought me. He told me I'd look hot in it. Remembering that made me laugh.

I get on the bus, and find Troy already there.. This is weird. Nobody else is on the bus. It's just us. And my wonderful bus driver. Her name is Barbra. She goes on an unusual route, it's almost like Troy asked for Barbra to pick us up first. But I have no clue. He has a paper in his hand, and he looks a lot more serious than usual. I asked him if everything was alright, confused more and more by the second, he starts reading off of his paper. I pause him at the word Zoey. I ask him once again what's going on. He looks at me, his eyes sparkling, smiles, and clears his throat. I'm so confused. I text my mom, and all I get out of it is an "Eek".

I text Danielle, wondering if she knows anything. I get two answers. One from my mom, one from Danielle.


Good Luck Zoey!


Good Luck Babygirl! Be happy! Stay strong!

I've never been so confused in my life.

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