Chapter 32

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~Zoey's POV~

The nurses run in and push us out, closing the curtains. I start to cry.

"Zoey, I thought you didn't care." Belle says.

"Belle. Leave me alone!" I scream, starting to wheel down the halls.

"Zoey you come back here!" Belle screams. Mom taps her, and tells her to leave me alone. I call Troy.

"Can you come up to the hospital?" I say, sobbing.

"WHY ARE YOU HURT? WHAT HAPPENED! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" He is full of questions by now probably, but I don't answer them.

"Just come up to the hospital and meet me on the 6th floor, west wing of the hospital. I'll be by the main lobby of the 6th floor." I say, hoping he remembers.

"Okay. I'm on my way. MOM DRIVE FASTER!" He screams.

"Troy. Take your time." I say, hanging up. I wheel myself to the lobby, using my one hand I have free.

In the matter of 15 minutes Troy is in the lobby hugging me.

"Your alright!" He whispers, squeezing me.

"Enough lover boy." We both laugh, and then I explain everything.

"I don't know what happened, but he just got pale, started twisting and turning, and then closed his eyes and became unresponsive." I say, reminded of the sight.

"But Zoey, I thought you hated him." Troy says, he's right, I do.

"I still love him though, even as stupid as it sounds. I mean, it's the matter of love. Say you raped me. If I really loved you, I would try again with you." I tell him as we go down the hallway.

"Troy!!!!" Belle screams and jumps on him. While they hug, I wheel up to my mom, who doesn't look great.

"Mom, it's gonna be alright. Is he okay?" I tell her, also asking her a question.

"I don't know sweetie. They said he was having a panic attack, I don't know honey. They're still trying to wake him up." She says, kneeling down to reach my height.

"Hi Troy." She hugs him. We all sit down and talk.

~That Evening~

"My mom is here, I gotta go." Troy says, kissing me. "Bye guys"

"Bye love you!" I say.

"We gotta go home. You have school tomorrow." Mom says. She's in a funk, she's staring at the floor. After she lets the doctor know we're leaving, we go home.

I take one slice, and then another. I let the blood drip onto my laptop, then I wipe it off. They stopped taking me to cutting appointments, they think I stopped. Mom peaks her head in the door. "Night sweetie." She's still in a funk.

"Night mom." I say, getting up to kiss her, but then she closes the door. I put away the blade, hiding it so nobody finds it. I need to speak to my dad but I can't.

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