Chapter 16

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They run me into the ambulance. I hear my mom calling Troy's mom. My mom and dad climb into the ambulance, my dad confused, as usual. Nobody is getting sued because it's my stupid fault for running in front of the car. I feel the blood running down my body. I was hit hard.

I lay in the hospital room, not awake, but all the thoughts are pushing together in my mind. They brought Fibi to the hospital. It was VERY nice of them, but I still hurt. Lots. It kills, I can't feel my legs, but I hear someone, that makes me smile.. Troy.

I hear his voice and feel his kiss, and force myself to open my eyes and wake up. It's not working, I think I'm spazzing because I just heard someone scream "Nurse"! I feel like an idiot. Trapped inside my mind. I feel the bed moving, I hear Troy crying.





The nurses take me into the surgery room, apparently my leg needs surgery or something. Apparently thats where I was hit hardest. I still hear Troy crying, I try to open my eyes, I hear my mom take him away, then hear her high heels walking into Belle's half of the room, she's not even that hurt! WHY DOES SHE HAVE A ROOM.

They put me in the recovery room, even though I'm still asleep, on the outside at least. I fight the closing of my eyes, I can actually feel my legs, kind of. Everything hurts.

~The Next Morning~

They put me back into my normal room. I hear Belle, happy as can be. Geez Belle, I'm trying to sleep. Can someone shut her up. I probably look like a wreck, I havent combed my hair in a day or so, ugh Troy, he has to see me like this. It sucks, I hear Troy. "Guys, could I have a moment with Zoey by myself?" I smile, in my head. Everyone leaves us to ourselves. I hear Troy talking to me about how he needs me to wake up, he needs his bud back. He needs me. I feel him touch my face with something wet. It's very cold. "You needed that. There's dry blood all over your face." He says to me in a whisper voice. I wish I could kiss him. But I can't.

I wish I could wake up.

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