Chapter 30

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We slept in the same bed, but we know sex isn't a great option.

Troy's mom yells at us to wake up, and her screams startle me, and I fall off his bed.

"Ouch!" His mom screams. Troy is still asleep, and then wakes up and sees me on the floor.

"Are you okay?!" He asks.

"Yes." I laugh, even though my leg and arm are in so much pain right now.

I get dressed into my clothes, in Troy's personal room bathroom.

His mom drove us to school. We walked in, when we found out we got a new watch dog.

"Hello! I'm Troy, welcome to our school." Troy says.

The watch dog looks up, in disappointment.

"D-Dad?" Troy says with disbelief in his voice.

"Hi son.." His dad says, disappointed they had to meet again this way.

"Um. We better get going." I say, trying to break the silence and awkwardness.

"Yeah. Of course. I'll see y'all around." Troy's dad says, as we walk off. Well, as I wheel off.

That must've been hard for Troy, seeing his dad after he pushed him away.

"Are you okay." I stop him after awhile.

"I guess." He says. "I'm still trying to figure out all this." He pauses. "It's quite different to run into someone you haven't seen in years." I can tell he isn't okay with all this. As we get to class, he stares off into space, until his father walks in.

"How is everything in here?" Troy hides while his father looks around.

"Great!" Our teacher says, looking at Troy and me wondering what's going on. His dad leaves.

"Sorry about that.." Troy says.

Me and Troy didn't talk much after that. I watch Troy text his mom. Shortly after, Troy leaves school, without saying a word to me. I guess he was scared of his dad, or his mom was scared of him leaving her.

After Troy left I went to 5th period, where I had to sit by two boys who aren't the nicest.

"Hey you." They say, poking me.

"Leave me alone." I still don't know how to do comebacks.

"Yeah. I don't leave people alone." The buff one says, pushing me out of my wheelchair.

"Please! S-Stop!" I get flashbacks of the old days without Troy by my side, without any friends. The other slightly skinner and smaller kid decided it would be cool to throw a punch at my stomach, where I still had a bruise from the last time I found someone that could and would hurt me.

"Ah!" I scream in pain. "Stop it seriously!" I yell, backing away. The teacher finally decides to walk in.

"Zoey get up!" She screams, oh great.

"I can't.." I whisper. She pulls me up and helps me into my wheelchair.

"Thanks.." I say.

~On The Bus~


Sorry I left. How did it go? <3


Well, I have another bruise.


Zoey I'm sorry.. :(


Don't be it's fine..

It really isn't. I'm hurt, it's not like anyone would care anyways.

Great, I have to go back to the hospital to see my stupid "dad".


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