Chapter 38

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Once again another night of not being able to sleep. Lynn keeps trying to text me, I ignore her. I hear Troy's voice in my head over and over saying, "It's going to be okay, I promise. I love you." Even if I try to get the voice out of my head, it won't go away. I start to wonder why my life sucks. I get up and turn my light on. I look at all the pictures on my door. I made a collage of me and Troy, then one for me, Danielle, Lynn, and Michelle. Sunny and Fibi look so happy and peaceful. I wish I was like that. It always seems from the outside that I'm such a happy person, but I'm not. I turn my light off, and lay down. I slowly drift to sleep, at 2:00AM.


I wake up to my mom screaming, "ZOEY WAKE UP ITS TIME FOR YOUR DOCTORS APPOINTMENT." I forgot, I'm getting my casts off today. I'm excited because really, these are more painful than the actual accident. I take that back, less painful, but about the same. I get out of bed, and wheel down the ramp. I pour myself some Fruit Loops, I feel like Fruit Loops are all I eat. My hair is a big mess. Belle comes downstairs and makes fun of it, it's all knotty and greasy. I eat my cereal, and wheel back upstairs to get my clothes on, I have to call my mom for help most of the time because it's VERY hard to put my clothes on, but today I can actually do it. After I get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, put my makeup on, and do all the daily things to get ready, I wheel downstairs and outside, and get in the car. I could tell mom is tired. Before we can go to the hospital we have to drop Belle off at preschool. Unfortunately, she's dating Troy's brother. It's a fake love of course, they don't know what love means.

It just so happens that Troy is with his mom to drop off Matthew. I sink down in the seat. "Don't let him see me." I say to her, spacing my words out so she will understand me.

"Oh trust me, I won't." She says with smirk. A smirk, that's never good. She rolls down her window.

"Mom what are you doing?" I ask, even though I have a pretty good idea as to what she's doing.

"HI TROYYYYYY!" She screams out the window.

"Mom!" I mumble. I watch Troy slowly sink down in his seat, and then he puts his phone to his ear. Someone called him apparently.

~At The Hospital~

"Well Zoey, it seems your leg and arm have healed fast and well." The nurse said. I guess that's a good sign. I nod, and smile. I just want these off.

The nurse does her thing and takes the casts off. I feel a lot lighter now.

"Now Zoey, could you walk around for me, and could you pick up some items using your broken arm?" She asks. I nod and start to walk around and then I pick up each item she gives me.

"Great! Your all healed I just need your mom to sign these papers and your free to go!" She says, handing my mom papers and a pen.

We walk out of the room, and she pays the front desk people for our whole hospital time, and then she asks how dad is doing.

"He's alright. Barely breathing on his own, we don't even know how this happened. We moved him into a higher up room, with more care." A girl with light blonde hair says.

"Okay thanks." Mom says. At least he's alright. "Have a nice day!" She says to the front desk people.

"You too!" They all say with a smile. Smiles all around, when I can barely come up with one.


Sorry for the short chapter <3. Also, thanks for 1.21K! Love you guys!

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