Chapter 47-2 Years Later

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There is a sex part in this chapter, I will NOT be explaining it for the sake of my readers. Thanks! Please remember, Belle is 6, and Zoey is 16 :) Im soooo sorry I didn't update! Because I didn't update ALL weekend, I will be updating this (My supposed to be Friday update) and I'll be updating a long chapter (My supposed to be Monday (Today) update). I'm hoping I can finish this in school because I have a band practice tonight! I basically had this chapter done, but erased A BUNCH because I wanted to make it longer because I forgot to update. Love you! There is a few teasers in this, like, they'll almost have sex then not, to make it more, you know, long. Ughhhhh. I still didn't update I'm really sorry ugh. I had band and then I wanted to relax, and play Video Games, and watch YouTube. Sorry ughh. Sorry If I spelled Ouija wrong lol.

**Zoey's 16th Birthday**

"Happy birthday Zoey!" Everyone screams at me as I walk in the door, I jump.

"Well that was a surprise." I say, laughing as Troy comes up to kiss me. I open my presents after I meet up with everyone. Nothing big, considering once you get older you don't get much, except money, gift cards, clothes, shoes, ect. Once we eat some homemade cake, we chat some more, and then everyone starts to leave at about 6:00PM.

Me and Troy decide to take Belle to get ice cream, she wanted some.

"Coldstone please." She says, playing on her new iPad.

"Ugh. This level is SO hard." She sighs, playing on her new game, Geometry Dash.

As we pull up to Coldstone, she screams, "I BEAT STERO MADNESS!" Lucky for us, we were in the parking lot, and we didn't get startled.

"Jesus Belle, you scared me." Troy says, looking at her. I laugh and get out of the car, and I open Belle's door so I can unbuckle her. I then take her iPad. It's been 2 years since I've seen my dad, and Belle has seemed to forget about him, though she always asks, she knows he's gone. I've held on to Belle since he left, mom is getting older, and she doesn't want to spend as much time with Belle, leaving me to take care of her, she isn't much work though.

As we walk into Coldstone, Troy grabs my hand and Belle looks at us and smirks, "Ew." She says. "Oh I crack myself up." She says, even though it honestly wasn't that funny.

We order, eat, and drive home. We all have school tomorrow, so Troy stays over at my house. I call and order pizza like my mom asks, and I sit on Troy's lap as we watch 22 Jump Street.

Once the movie was over, we decided to go upstairs.

"Zoey?" He says.

"Ya?" I say flipping my hair, and re-parting it.

"When are we gonna.." He pauses.

"Gonna?" I ask, and then I realize.

"Have. Uh. Sex. Nevermind, this is really awkward." His face instantly turns red.

"No. I was thinking about it.." I admit.

He pushes me onto my bed. I enjoy it, but I don't want this yet.

"Troy get off." He starts kissing my neck.

"Troy seriously." I say. He continues kissing me.

"Stop!" I yell quietly. I push him off.

"I'm not ready." I sigh.

~The Next Morning (Friday)~

I give him clothes that he recently left at my house, get ready, and we go out to the bus stop. On the bus, Danielle and her new boyfriend Richardo were making out.

"Ooh. Get it girl." I said as I laughed. She whips her head around and glares at me and then laughs.

~After School~

"Can we have a date night tonight?" I ask Troy.

"Yes of course!" He says.

We lay down, and listen to music. I rest my head on his bare chest and take a nap.

When I wake up, I pack my stuff, leave, and go to the movies. I want to see Ouija, and that's exactly what we saw.

~Troys House~

He pushes me against the bed, both of us undressed, he lays me down, and it happened, and let me tell you, it felt amazing.

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