Chapter 37

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Me and Danielle shared our science project. It was fun filming our project. People were laughing, but it's okay.

~At Lunch~

I packed a lunch today, well my mom did. I didn't have a choice. She found out I wasn't eating at school so she packed me a lunch. Chicken Wings, Ramen Noodles chicken flavored of course, Fruit a Snacks, M&MS, and water. I sat alone today because everyone else is with Troy. I start to eat my Ramen Noodles when someone comes over.

"Hey dipwad. You gonna eat that? Nevermind, your suicidal and anorexic. I forgot." He laughs. He takes my Chicken Wings. I wish I could tell him I wasn't anorexic.

"H-hey! Give it b-back!" I say, grabbing for it. I accidentally hit him. I turn my head to Troy's table. They're all talking and don't notice me.

"She hit me! Principal! She hit me!" He screams. Everyone looks at us. I sit back down and start eating my noodles again. He runs away with my Chicken Wings. I hear Danielle, "I'm going to go over there with her." I smile. She gets up.

"No! Danielle." It was Troy. He grabs her arm, pulling her back down. I go back to eating my food.

~After School~

Mom texted me and said she is picking me up from school to go to the hospital. I'm waiting for her to come. It's cold outside. It's raining and they're making me stand out here until my mom comes. I finally see her car pull up.

"I'm sorry! Traffic!" She says, opening the car door for me. I get in. I decided to tell her all about me and Troy, leaving out the cutting part. It kept the car ride action packed.

As we arrive at the hospital Belle starts screaming "Daddy" "Daddy!" I can tell she's excited to see our dad. I was too, but not as much. I pulled out money for mom to park, she forgot her money at home.

As we walk into the hospital room, the nurse pulls my mom outside for a minute. I spot the nurses binder. I go and take a look.

"Stage 4 Breast Cancer." I shake my head and read it again. It didn't work. This can't be right. How did he even get cancer?! Has he had it? Did they just find out? Suddenly, there is a beeping noise. A bunch of nurses run in, one pushing me to the ground. I guess I was in her way. Belle is standing with my mom. She looks a little scared. I honestly am too. He could die. I don't know what to do anymore.

~3 Hours Later~

"Zoey we have to go home at some point, he'll wake up and will be here when we come tomorrow. Okay?" No. Not okay.

"Fine mom." I say, sighing. I don't want to leave him.

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