Chapter 31

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~Zoey's Dad POV~

"So you get discharged today sir, are you happy about that?" The nurse asks me, and honestly I don't know.

"Yes, nurse.. Uh.. Sorry, remind me of your name again?" I say, I have Alzheimer's, so it isn't always easy to remember stuff, sometimes I don't even remember my name. At this point, I don't know why my baby girl is mad at me, everytime I call her, "Goodbye" or "Bye". I think she's just growing up, so I called Natasha and asked if she, Zoey, and Belle could come up to the hospital, to spend some time with their father, since I'm moving out and getting divorced for some reason.

"Nurse Daisy." She says, aware of my condition. Daisy. Zoey has always liked flowers, but doesn't show it. I don't know why, she might now, I never really know anything about Zoey. I work so far away from home that I don't know anything. I stare at the nurse, wishing Zoey would talk to me.

"Sir, is something wrong? Your kinda just staring at me." She says, I'm guessing she's a little creeped out.

"Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine I was just reminded of someone special to me." I say, I don't have a lot of memories of her. I can't even remember me and my wife's "Song". Our song is the song that was playing during our first kiss, but now I can't even remember it.

As I wait for my family to arrive, I watch nurses and sad families, and happy ones walk down the hallways. I just wish I could be like that. I also hear screams as patients have to be wheeled down the halls, being watched by their family members. I wait and wait for my family, until finally Belle walks in and tells me that there was a traffic jam.

"Where's you mom and uh.." I suddenly forget her name, the person I've been thinking about all week.

"Mommy is coming. Who you talking about?" Belle says, in her cute little voice. I know her name! Chloe? No. Come on! I know this!

"Daddy, do you mean Zoey?" Belle says, looking up at me with her little confused face.

"Yes Belle, thank you. Where's your mom and Zoey?" I say, thankful I have her here to help me.

"They are coming." She says, taking a seat and then swinging her legs to the beat of her humming. I remember Belle loves to hum.

Soon enough, Natasha and Zoey walk in. Zoey glares at me and I sigh under my breath, still confused. I watch Natasha whisper to Zoey. I hear some of it.

"Remember he has Alzheimer's-" I couldn't catch the rest, but it's upsetting she has to be reminded, can she not remember what's wrong with her dad.

"Uh." I was going to say something, then forgot what I was going to say. That's what sucks, I want to say something then I just loose my thoughts.

"What?" Zoey takes her eyes off her phone, sounding snappy.

"Zoey calm down." Belle says. "Daddy is forgetful remember?" She says, raising her eyebrows to show she's asking.

"Yes. I remember Belle. That doesn't mean I need to treat him differently. He's still the same person he was a year ago, when I was born, and when he was born. He hasn't changed or switched bodies, so I don't see the huge deal about him having Alzheimer's." She snaps back. Ouch, that hurt.

"Zoey Elizabeth!" Natasha screams. "Are you okay Thomas?" She asks.

"Just uh fine." I have a problem where I say "uh" or "um" a lot because I loose my thoughts, it sucks. "Can I speak to Zoey alone." I watch Zoey look at Natasha and slowly shake her head no.

"Yes, of course. Belle, let's go wait outside the room for a few minutes." Natasha says, looking at Zoey.

"Okay Momma! Bye Daddy! Love you!" Belle says, happy like always.

"Bye Babygirl." I say. "Love you too!" I yell as loud as I can, they were already outside the room.

"You needed?" She says, scrolling through something on her phone.

"Why do you hate me so much." I say, figuring it's something small.

"Seriously? Oh yeah. You kinda raped me, no big deal." She says, then the memory comes back.

Daddy, please move I really need to get to Lynn's house before-

Belle, baby. Go

Daddy.. It's me.. Zoey.


All the words and sights come back to me, they all play through my head, giving me a panic attack. I raped my baby girl. I raped my baby girl. That's all I can think at this moment. I raped my baby girl.

"Hello?!" Zoey says.

"W-What did you say?" I studder, everything is blurry..

"Dad.. Are you alright? Your really pale.." She says, I blackout. I hear one last scream.

"Mom! Do something! He isn't waking up!" After that, it's blackout.

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