Chapter 46

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"She just has a minor concussion." The nurse says to me. "She can go home today." She says, as Michelle opens her eyes. I call my mom and ask her to drive me and Michelle

~At Home~

Once I get home, I text Danielle.

Danielle what was that?

Idk I really needed that lol. It felt good. She messed up.

That wasn't nessicary Danielle.

Yes it was Zoey. Bye. Lol.

What's into her? I start to call her as the doorbell rings. I hang up the call.

"Troy? What are you doing?" I say as he pulls me outside and into Danielle's brothers car.

We drive up to KFC, and he drops us off.

"Troy what are you doing?" He doesn't answer, and he pulls me inside.

"Hi I'm Lindsey! What can I get for you today?" She's very perky. Troy speaks up.

"2 $5 meals. The 3 piece chicken please. The one with the cookies, drink, side, and three chickens." He says laughing.

As we eat, and he talks, I realize how valuable life is. You only get one chance. I think back to my suicide attempts, and then I look at my arm. He stops saying whatever he was saying and looks at me, and notices what I'm looking at. He frowns, and we eat and finish up, we walk home since KFC is super close to my house. We stop by an old park.

"Why are we here?" I say. He pulls me over to the swings, and I sit on his lap. He takes my arm, and kisses my arm, one kiss for each scar, with really took forever it seemed like. We sat there and swung, and talked about things that people wouldn't really understand. We talked about life, and what happened while we broke up. It probably was one of the best days I've had. I spent a good amount of my day with Troy, which is rare.

We walk home about 30 minutes later, and he kisses me goodbye as I walk into my house. I lay on my couch, reminded of all the memories, when mom gets a call. I walk upstairs and eavesdrop.

"Ma'am I'm very sorry, but your husband was pronounced dead 20 minutes ago. The cause is unknown. I'm sorry for your loss, but I'd like for your family to come down and say their goodbyes, before a funeral." At this point I feel like I'm being stabbed in the gut. I run outside, and sit on my porch step, and I cry. He's gone. The guy who I hated for a good amount of time is gone. I didn't get to say goodbye, or hug him one last time, he's really gone.


Thanks for 2.4k it means a lot <3. The book needs to end soon, therefore I will be fast forwarding quite a bit. Next chapter will kinda be 2 years later, but on Zoeys birthday, I know it sucks but this book can't be like 100 chapters, I wish though. So just a warning, (even though the chapter title is gonna be a year later) next chapter is 2 years later:).
**This is my Monday update :-)**

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