Chapter 27

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"Zoey!!!" Aha, Michelle.

"Hi Michelle!!" I missed her.

"I can only stay for a little bit. I have to get lots of sleep so I can stay up late tomorrow at Danielle's" Michelle whispers, I can tell she's trying to not be rude.

"It's okay. Here, do you want any food? I'm not hungry" I didn't want the food. It's really luxurious hospital food though.

"GOLDFISH?! YES PLEASE." I didn't notice those.

"Michelle, can we share? I want some now!" I really want goldfish. She gives me a mean look.

"But.." Troy looks at her.

"Fine." She sounds annoyed.

We ate our goldfish and Troy went home. I get discharged soon. I just needed to get totally off the surgery numbing medicine first.

~That Night~

They didn't give me my depression pill. I sit in the room, ready for my pill. Ready for my pain killers. At about 2:00 I realized it wasn't coming, I also didn't realize the time. I press the little button on my remote, it's to call the nurse. The nurse takes about 3 minutes to get here, then asks what's wrong. Everything.

"I didn't get my pills for tonight." I whisper, taking note that it's 2:00 and people might be in my room sleeping.

"Oh! I'm sorry sweetie! Isn't it too late for that?" Seriously? Sweetie? Ugh.

"No. I just need my medicine. That's all I needed." I don't want to come off mean.

"Okay, I'll get that set up for you honeybun! How about I'll be back in 5-10 minutes." I want her to stop being so nice and sweet.

"Okay that's fine ma'am." I act so happy sometimes, when honestly I just want to crawl into a hole and die.

7 minutes later comes my nurses assistant.

"Hello there! Are you Zoey Elizabeth Matthews?" I hate my middle name. I want it to be Nicole. I really love that name, I don't know why.

"Yes. Can you just give me my pills so I can go to bed? It's almost 2:30. I have school tomorrow!" I feel bad, I made the girl jump.

"Of course.. Open wide..." Oh geez.

"I'm not a baby! Give me one of each pill and let me sleep! I know how to take these!" I let my grumpy self take over. I'm still whisper yelling, even though nobody is asleep because the lights turned on when Mrs.PerkyMcPerkerson walked in.

"Zoey. I was told to watch you because your suicidal I heard. I don't want you overdosing." The nurse says, acting like its a secret.

"I'm not going to commit suicide! Alright! Get out!" I'm annoyed, and tired. I just wanted my medicine at 10:30, the time I usually got it.

My mom came up and hugged me. "It's okay sweetie, calm down."

"Let her take the medicine. I'm right here watching her." Mom said, to the idiot nurse.

"Okay.. Goodness gracious." She gave us the pills and mom watched me take them, making sure I "didn't commit suicide". I fell asleep shortly after, dreaming about Troy, and some other stuff happened in that dream, I'd rather not tell mom about this one.

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