Chapter 39

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~At School~

Troy has literally gone delusional. He is sweating for no reason.

*Bell Rings*

I grab my stuff and walk out the door, someone grabs my mouth and pulls me back. I drop my stuff, I'm just panicing. The person drags me into the girls bathroom. As they push me onto the wall in the handicapped stall, they hold my eyes. They start kissing me, I push them away. I wiggle my face out of their hands. They turn around and close the door. Then they turn back around and look at me right in the eye. I notice who's eyes those were. I wasn't surprised.

"T-Troy" I whisper, as he covers my mouth.

"Leave me-" He hits me. I whimper.

"Take me back, and I'll leave you alone." He says smirking. What has gotten into him? I start to tear up. He grabs my wrist, I whimper and slowly slide down the wall to the floor. I pull my sleeves down all the way.

"Awe. Did I hurt you?" He says, laughing. I nod. I start to cry. He kicks me.

"Take. Me. Back. And. I'll. Stop. Get. It?" He says, slowly spacing out each word, clapping to each word. I shake my head and try to crawl away. He kicks my stomach causing me to fall down and hit my head on the toilet. I grab my stomach.

"Stop. Troy please!" I start to sob.

"Nope." He says while laughing.

"What has gotten into you?!" I scream, hoping someone will come save me. I crawl more, holding my stomach.

"Where do you think your going?" He smacks me. Ouch. He grabs my wrist and squeezes it hard. Double ouch.

~Troy's POV~

I don't wanna do this to her. I feel horrible. All the pain from mom rushes inside me. Abuse has become a daily thing for us. I'm letting my pain out on Zoey. She starts to drag herself under the stall door. I kick her. With each kick or hit, I plan to go home and cut. 10,15,17. After 20 I let her go. She runs out limping and holding her stomach. She grabs her stuff and runs out the doors. I have various flashbacks of when we were dating. Her sobbing, her cutting. This is all my fault. I'm such an idiot, such a mistake. I go back to class, acting like nothing just happened, when really I ruined my whole chance with Zoey. In Language Arts we're supposed to write letters to people we love. He doesn't collect them, just checks for completeness.

"Zoey Matthews,
By now you probably hate me, but it's worth a shot. I'm sorry I'm such a mess up. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just want you back. Zoey Elizabeth Matthews, I need you. I need you by my side at night, I need you in my arms. I know you probably don't deserve a guy like me, but I want to try again. I want to love you, I want to be happy with you, I want you to be happy, I want us. Troey. Zoey Matthews I love you. I always have and I always will. No matter what happens I will always be there for you. We may be just teenagers, but I see us, the future us. I understand if you don't want me back, I completely do, but can we just talk? Please?! Please Zoey, I'm crying writing this in class and it's quite embarrassing, but I'm doing it for you, because I love you.

~Troy Matthews, Your Lover Boy."

The bell rings and everyone rushes to their lockers. I slip the note in Zoeys locker and get to our bus. I sit down, and talk with Danielle. Danielle is a cool girl, she's a great friend, and also someone who can actually hold a conversation. Suddenly, I get a call from Zoey's mom.

"Troy! Come to the hospital now!" She screams through the phone.

"What? What happened?" I ask, my voice trailing off. Zoey! Lynn's house is the closest so I go to her house and I ask Lynn's mom for a ride, and she drops me and Lynn off at the hospital.

Sorry for the sort of short chapter! Thanks for 1.44K! Love you guys!

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