Chapter 43

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This chapter will be in Michelle's POV and Troy's POV because something is going to happen. It would be weird to have it in Zoey's POV because she wasn't there. She'll take effect from it in chapter 44. This is a surprise chapter it'll probably have a cliffhanger. Should I get an update schedule? I'll update on Fridays (This is in full effect right now so therefore, I would update by tomorrow! Which is faster than usual! You guys get a chapter now, and tomorrow! How great!) so that I could have a whole school week time to write a nice long suspenseful chapter. Could you please vote and comment! :D love you guys! Thank you so flipping much for 2K. It literally means the world to me. <3 I honestly didn't expect 2K. I can't thank you enough. Thanks for reading!

~Michelle's POV~

As Zoey leaves Troy hugs me. I feel this urge to kiss Troy, it's raining which makes it feel even more romantic. "Yolo." I whisper to myself. He lets go of me from our strong hug.
"Hmm?" He says. I shake my head, smirk, grab the back of his head, and kiss him. I hold his head onto me. As his lips meet mine, I feel guilt. He pulls away immediately.

"What was that?!" He says looking at me, he runs away leaving me standing alone, outside in the rain.

I run home, considering school is only a few blocks away. I run through my door, ignore my mom and run upstairs. I close my bedroom door, then lock it. I call Zoey.

"Zoey I've made a mistake."


Troy's POV will be flashed back to the point before Michelle kisses him, I know your probably laughing, because I am too. The fact Zoeys best friend can just go "Yolo" and kiss her best friends boyfriend is hilarious.

~Troy's POV~

I hug Michelle and thank her for the help with Zoey. I squeeze her tight. I hear her say something.

"Hmm?" I say letting go of her. I put up my hood on my hoodie. She grabs my head and pulls it towards her. What is she doing? She holds her lips onto mine, kissing me. She tries holds my mouth onto her lips. I pull away. Is she crazy? No. This isn't like Michelle. Maybe she's drunk.

"What was that?!" I scream at her. I run away. I don't call Zoey, I'll let Michelle do this. I call Danielle instead.

"Danielle." I say as she picks up.

"Yes?" She sounds tired.

"Michelle. She um." I say, I try to think of a way to say this.

"Get on with it I'm trying to watch YouTube!" She says to me.

"Okay okay. She um. I guess kissed me." I guess it wasn't that hard to say.

"WHAT?!" She screams into the phone.

"Michelle kissed me at school. She whispered something and then she kissed me. I didn't do anything back though, I pulled away of course." I felt like Danielle would tell Zoey, so I stated the facts.

"Oh my god!" Danielle says.

"Is she insane! What is she thinking. She's going to think twice about this." She says laughing at the end.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"You'll see. Bye Troy!" She says, hanging up. What is she gonna do? Is she going to tell Zoey? I hope not. Is she going to hurt Michelle? She didn't do much, okay maybe she did. I hope Zoey will be okay. Is this my fault too? I walk downstairs and see my mom spanking my little brother over and over. I jump in front of him, letting her hit my face really hard. I black out and the last thing I hear is, "Troy!" it's my brothers voice. I see blackness. I don't know what really is going on anymore.

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