Chapter 44

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~Zoey's POV~

"Zoey I've made a mistake." Michelle says. She has an usual sound of guilt, sorry, and worry in her voice.

"Michelle what did you do?" I say laughing. I don't expect it to be very serious.

"I've made a big mistake." She says. I hear her starting to cry.

"Michelle, what's wrong. What did you do?" I say. I realize how serious she is.

"I'd rather tell you in person. Come over now." She says.

"Okay give me a minute to-" I say as she cuts me off.

"I don't think you'll wanna stay the night after I tell you this. Zoey I made a huge
mistake!" She's now starting to sob. I hear the sadness in her voice.

"Michelle." I'm just worried right now.

"Just come over and only bring yourself. Please." She says, and with that she hangs up. Leaving me to worry about what I'm going into.

~Michelle's House~

"I brought my stuff." I say, walking into her bedroom. She's sobbing, hardcore.

"Zoey you won't want to stay." She says, looking me straight in the eye.

"I'll just say it." She says.

"I kissed Troy." She says sitting down on her bed, covering her face in her hands. I look at her.

"You kissed him or he kissed you?" I want to cry.

"I kissed him Zoey. I know you probably hate me, that's okay. I hate myself too." She says. I just look at her and run out the door. I run out of her house and go to Lynn's.

"Lynn? Can I stay over?" I ask as she opens the door. I see Danielle staring at me from inside. My mascara is running down my face.

"Yes. Of course. What happened? Wait no, I already know." She says, turning at Danielle. I walk inside, go to her room, and sit on her bed.

"Guys. I know it's not his fault. So don't lecture me on that." I say before anything happens.

"Actually." They both say, looking at each other and smiling.

This was my Friday update. I might update on Monday because I have nothing to do this weekend. So basically, I'll have a Monday Friday update schedule x) thanks for 2k!!

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