Chapter 11

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"Zoey, Over the few weeks we've known each other, I've developed feelings for you. I remember when I saw you with your depressed face on our bus. Bus number 52. Your beautiful daisy clothes, with those sexy uggs."

He pauses, as I let out a tear, and a giggle at that last sentence. He looks up, smiles and continues.

"You warned me not to sit with you, which was so sweet, you looking out for me. You come off as the mean type"

That last sentence made me laugh, because he said it in the joke voice he uses with me. He continues, as I let out a few more tears, so does Barbra.

"I saw that little smirk you got while moving your eyes from my schedule to yours, seeing our exact schedules. The first time we went out together I wished it was a date. I hope you did too, because I had a great time at that frozen yogurt place, what's it called, Orange Leaf! Ah yes. Our first 'Date' how could I forget? Maybe because I've been so distracted lately thinking about you, and how I'd lay out this little.. Speech."

He pauses, as the bus continues to fill up, everyone watching us, watching me, crying, but this is the first non-sad cry in years for me. Danielle, just getting on the bus with Lynn and Michelle, runs to the back, leaving Lynn and Michelle to their conversation. Danielle makes Josie and Robert move, so that Lynn, Danielle, and Michelle could sit in the second-to-back seat. Troy continues, grinning at Danielle, who clears her throat at Lynn and Michelle, who then pay attention to Troy, realizing he's saying the rest of his speech now.

"Zoey, I can't express my feelings for you. The fact that I can even speak right now amuses me. People say you can't love the first few weeks but I can. Zoey Elizabeth Matthews, I love you. More than you could imagine. You make me forget anything and everything. I love you Zoey."

At this point I'm sobbing, not knowing what to make of this, all I can do is sob. My sobs ran over his words. He looked worried, but I gave him the signal to move on. He smiled at me.

"Zoey Matthews, you can be the little princess and I can be the prince. Zoey, will you be mine?"

I pause shocked. I reply quickly with "Yes, Troy. Yes" and then everyone cheered while we hugged. I texted my mom to tell her how perfect this was, sobbing, I came up with a "I love you.." as we hugged.

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