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The small brunette girl trudged inside her huge house, kicking her heels off as she released an exhausted sigh. She just came from work and the forlornness and dullness of the house was the first thing welcomed her; making melancholy took over her whole existence. She has been living alone since she started college, she has been feeling lonely for way too long that it made her addicted to it. It wasn't good but it wasn't bad for her either.

It was good that she finally free herself from the people who hurt her but not from the pain and the nightmares she has been dealing with ever since it happened.

But it was bad because she doesn't know what and how love and happiness feels like. It was that bad that she trapped herself inside a dark cage; isolating herself from the real world and not wanting to go out, turning off the light in her.

The demoiselle flopped herself on the sofa, staring blankly at nowhere. The dullness of her black and white home and her life made her seems emotionless but that is not it.

Under her tough and cold façade was someone longing for happiness; happiness that keeps playing 'hide and seek' with her.

Under her angelic yet pale beauty is someone who has doubts to herself, someone whose insecurities are eating her alive, and someone who feels that she is not worthy to love.

Under her dull and emotionless chipped mask is someone so vulnerable and fragile; searching for love as she never felt it in her entire life.

Underneath her silence is someone shouting out loud for help, someone struggling to get rid of her past, someone battling with her inner demons, trying to be as strong as she can be for the sake of her sane self.

The lady started crying, this has been her daily routine; going out, putting up a fake smile, keeping her heads up as she wear her mask to hide her true self but at the end of the day she will always feel lost and empty. Jennie had managed to master everything.

To avoid herself from getting more hurt than she already is.

"I'm so tired. I'm so tired of life..." The demoiselle whimpered, hugging herself to her knees as she curled in to a ball. Her chest thumping up and down rapidly as she tried herself not to burst in tears again.

Her home is supposed to be her calm but it is where her storms are stored.

Her cries got louder, realizing how life is doing her dirty, how tough her life is and how she struggle to continue with her so called lifeless life.

"Okay, Jennie... I know you can do it. Don't give up now." The demoiselle consoled herself; sobbing in between her words as she felt really difficult to assure herself.

"You already made this far. Everything's going to be okay in time. You are going to be okay." She closed her eyes, heavy tears descending down her feline eyes as tears glistening from her cheeks.

Tears of sorrow.

Tears of distress.

Tears of loneliness.

Tears of torment.

Tears of pain.

Tears of nightmares.

Tears of her past.

And tears of lying to herself; telling herself that everything is going to be alright.

At least that is what she is trying to reassure herself with. That everything is indeed going to be alright.

"I promise you that." She firmly speak to herself through muted tones with full of determination yet doubts.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now