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I will catch grenades for you
I will jump over the bullets for you
I would walk along the knife with you
And I will give the stars to you

The sight of you is just so calming
To see you laugh is just so serene
Happiness and comfort is what I will bring
So lady please open your heart and let me in

You are not what you think you are
You are someone so unique and bizarre
You are an angel trapped behind the bar
You are someone brighter than the brightest star

I know everything felt surreal
And it takes a lot of time to heal
But I'm with you until everything gets clear
So please hold on and stay still
Don't let the demons in your head conceal
Because it's time to face your every fear


I flicker my eyes open and squint at the bright light beaming down on me. I rolled my body over the bed and felt a little unfamiliar at the mattress I was currently lying on.

Did I buy a water bed instead of spring?

I rubbed my eyes to adjust my vision and trailed my eyes around. I knotted my brows in perplexity as the colors of my room turned in to bright colors.

The walls are yellow and there was a lot of scenery in frames hanging up the wall; some hip-hop artist's posters glued around. The room is pretty aesthetic if I must say.

But ew Yellow.

The surroundings are pretty cozy and relaxing but... wait... this isn't my room!

I quickly sat myself up and widen my eyes as panic surged through me. I spotted the two big frames of the two cats around the other side. I shook my head; trying to wake myself up from my dream but a fat cat suddenly jumped over the bed making me flinched.

"Meow~" The cat licked its paws and nuzzled itself over my lap.

I looked at the bedside table and saw my previous clothes neatly folded beside the basin. I massaged my temples; feeling even more perplexed.

I gasped when I looked at myself and realized I was wearing unfamiliar PJs. I'm sure as hell this isn't mine because I never wear a freaking Frozen printed pajamas.

Heck, I don't even own one.

My eyes trailed off at the other side of the bed as I caressed the cat's fur; I saw a bouquet of flowers lying beside me. I briskly grabbed it and sniffed its scent. I stopped when I saw a small envelope placed over it.

I quickly took and opened it. I sighed in relief when I realized whose bedroom I am in.

'Good morning, my ray of sunshine! Don't freak out when you wake up please. I just went out for a jog, angel. I cooked you a breakfast, it's on downstairs. I hope you had a good sleep (: - Love, Lisa xoxo.'

A coruscating smile promptly made its way to my lips insensibly. I felt my cheeks heating up reading the first sentence.

"Aish!" I squealed; covering my face with both of my hands causing the cat to get startled.


She makes me... I don't know.

Kind of happy, I guess?

I won't rely on it because I know happiness doesn't stay for too long. It just stays for a while. I don't want to let people in to my life anymore.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now