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Jungkook and Chaeyoung called out in unison as they curled their lips into a smile the moment their eyes set on the Thai exiting the arrival area.

Lisa roamed her eyes around, searching for any trace of her chipmunk best friend but her eyes quickly narrowed when she landed her eyes at the Korean hombre, waving his hands towards the Thai enthusiastically.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, glanced at her bestfriend in perplexity. She hastily followed where Lisa's eyes at and her eyes landed on the hombre who was scampering his way towards the... dark and short haired girl. Chaeyoung smiled in an instant after seeing Lisa's new look.

"What are you doing here, stupid?" Lisa crossed her arms while looking at him.

"Oh, come on! Give me a hug!" Jungkook beamed and instantaneously wrap his muscular arms around the Thai.

Chaeyoung gasped at the scene and her face expression changed into perplexed.

"I told you not to go here, didn't I? Someone is going to pick me up." She stated.

"Well, I'm here now... but where is she? Seems like your service isn't here so let's go. I will drop to your place." The hombre shrugs his shoulders while beaming at the annoyed Thai.

"No, bunny. Chaeng's going to pick me up, I told you that, we haven't seen each other for five months so give us this quality time." Lisa let out a huff and shoved Jungkook away.

"Geez. You are always so rude to me. You don't miss me too, Elsa." Jungkook feigned hurt, pouting his lips towards her.

Lisa cringed at him, "Jesus, please stop that!" She exclaimed making him cackle up, "And no, I don't miss you. We face time almost everyday and to be honest, I've had enough seeing your face." Jungkook gasped while holding his chest, feigning offended.

Someone suddenly cleared their throat that earned the duo's attention. Lisa's eyes scintillate the moment she set her eyes at the now blonde chipmunk.

"Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa exclaimed that made Chaeyoung grin, her cheeks showing off.

The latter expeditiously embosomed the Thai in her embrace, grasping her arms vehemently around Lisa's petite figure.

"Lisayah." Chaeyoung said through a sweet voice making the foreigner to let out a miniature cute chortle.

"I've missed you, my baby chipmunk." Lisa vocalized after the hug in a baby voice while pinching both of her best friend's cheeks, patently razzing her.

"Yah! I've missed you too, monkey... and you dyed your hair black." Chaeyoung said in a shy manner simultaneously running her fingers through the Thai's black locks.

"And you dyed yours blonde." Lisa replied, showing her the radiant smile of hers.

"Anyways, I believe you should introduce me to this guy of yours. He looks so familiar though." The taller latter stated, pointing her fingers towards the hombre while giving Lisa a knowing smirk.

"He is a friend, Chaeng and his name is---"

"I hope it isn't in the club or something..." He chortle, cutting Lisa off from her sentence. Chaeyoung shakes her head in disagreement while giggling.

"But anyways, Jungkook is the name, ma'am. Jeon Jungkook. And you?" Jungkook introduced himself politely to Chaeyoung while offering his hand to shake.

Chaeyoung hastily accepted the hand shake with her eyes widen in shock, "Jeon Jungkook?! As in the JJ who owns the most prestigious travel agency and photography company in Korea?!"

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