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I saw you behind the glass door
But I felt like I've known you for so long.
Your sad eyes looking right through my soul,
Your body that has been searching for home.
I know you've been feeling all alone,
Alone for way too long.
You're worth creating every song,
And honey I promise I'll never do you wrong.

You look beyond amazing
But you seem hurting.
At the sight of you; my heart is madly beating.
Good and aching.
Good at the sight of you being enchanting,
Yet aching when I feel that you are hiding.
Sweet broken angel I'll treat you like a painting
Because a person like you deserves some loving.
You are simply mesmerizing and always alluring,
I'm willing to swim the ocean even if it's storming..
Because honey, you are worth every fiber of your being.

I saunter inside the cute coffee shop, giving the guard a small smile for opening the glass doors for me.

"Welcome, Ma'am! Good morning!" He greeted enthusiastically, bowing his head ninety degrees down at me as I did the same.

"Morning, chunk. Looking extra good today huh?" I quipped making him release a miniature chortle as he shook his head at my fondness.

I was affected by his manly chuckles causing me to release one as I made my way to the counter, ordering my usual breakfast, "Aye Bam! My usual breakfast please." I told the counter guy, he bobbed his head down in response.

"50% sugar level?" He quizzed. I knotted my brows as I shook my head, "Nah. I'm going 70% today. Just add extra chocolate and that would be fine." I replied, fixing my glasses to get a clearer sight.

I leaned my side body on the counter as I wander my eyes around the place, moving my body and my head along the music playing inside the cozy place. I bobbed my head up and down while tapping my fingers on the counter top, pursing my lips; feeling the music in my veins.

"Sorry that your mum found out, guess that we just really had the thunder..." I sang out loud, smiling at the people's attention on me as they got used to me every day here.

"Ain't nobody else that I'd be under. Beautiful, beautiful life right now. Beautiful, beautiful night right now. No no no." I moved my head synchronically with the music while gesticulating in the air, earning giggles from the customers.

"HEY!" I shouted with the song out loud, "Bam sing with me!" I said causing him to shake his head while making my coffee.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beauti...ful... beautiful an...gel..." I got distracted by a real life angel entering the coffee shop. She is enchanting, captivating, bewitching, and purely alluring. I have never seen someone so beautiful as her.

"Love your imperfections every angle..." I sing along silently as I fixed my gaze on the enchantress walking towards my direction.

I thought slow motions are only in movies but I was wrong because the moment she entered the glass door everything was instantaneously in tortoise's pace; it's like the clock has adjourned.

I felt my heart thumping out of my chest as I saw her walking towards my direction, everything just suddenly disappear and she is the only one I can see inside this place filled with people chit chatting. She looks daring, she looks bold, fierce and her aura is just so mesmerizing; perfect for my liking.

Damn, I can already see my future with her.

"Yah! Lisayah! Careful there, my customer might melt under your gaze." I heard my friend; appearing out of nowhere as she smack the back of my head.

"Chichu... I think I've seen an angel sent from the heaven above. My heart can't just handle the sight." I held my vigorously thumping chest, eyes still on the mysterious lady.

KILL THIS LOVE (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now